The Plan

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The boys got to Nick's house. Nick's house was about a 10 minute walk from the workshop. He had the biggest house at the end of Santa Street. A house that had been passed down for generations, from Santa to Santa. The house had two stories and an attic.
There was a long driveway that lead to a two car garage on the side of the house. They didn't really use cars in the North Pole since everything was easily in walking distance. Santa used their one car to get to the workshop and back. Due to old age and cookie consumption over the years walking to and from the shop has gotten harder for him.
The front of the house was decked out with decorations. Wreaths on every window and door, lights on every tree, garland surrounding the door and in between the pillars on the porch, and more. The Claus's did not hold back when it came to decorating.
As you enter the house there is an open foyer with a staircase leading up to the second floor. The house smelt of cinnamon coming from the kitchen and pine from all the trees and decorations.
The boys walked around the staircase and headed toward the kitchen. They grabbed some snacks and drinks from the kitchen and sat in the living room.
The living room had more of an older feel to it. It had a warmer brown wood floors and walls. Two back walls filled with books. A nice big fire place for keeping warm during the cold winter. All the furniture was a rich red color which complemented all the green decorations very nicely. There was a big tree with lots of ornaments. There was also
lots of garland and lights through out the room.

 There was alsolots of garland and lights through out the room

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The boys sat by the fireplace.
"You realize what you've gotten us into right?" Benny asked while eating one of Mrs. Claus's homemade gingerbread cookies.
"I mean we have two weeks to pull off one of the hardest jobs in the North Pole," said Benny trying to talk some sense into Nick.
"Benny I have a plan."
"Oh really Einstein? What's your plan? Because the last time you had a 'good plan' I fell off of a flying reindeer"
"Ok that was in sixth grade and you weren't that badly hurt," said Nick.
"Tell that to my broken finger and sprained wrist. You were lucky I knew how to write with both hands and I could still do my school work," said Benny. Nick laughed at his friend.
"Ok you're going to think I'm crazy," started Nick.
"Nick I already think you're crazy for getting us into this mess. What could you possibly be planning that would make you any crazier?" Benny took a sip of his Hot Chocolate.
Nick took a deep breath, "Ok hear me out. We talk to Greta Grinch and get her to work with us."
Benny spit out his drink, "WHAT?! Nick our dads are already going to be breathing down our necks and watching our every move as it is. They would kill us if they found out we were working with their number one suspect."
"But that's just it Ben! We both know she isn't capable of something like this. No matter what her fathers past is she wouldn't do something like this. A harmless prank close to Christmas maybe but stealing this many gifts? She wouldn't do that," Nick insisted.
"Dude look I know you secretly have the hots for her but this is crazy and what about her friends?" "Heather and Eben? If they want they can help too."
"Oh yeah cause they're just gonna help us," Benny said sarcastically.
"Dude listen we need to prove her innocence and in order to truly do that we need her to work with us."
"Ok ok but what if she says no? There's no way she would just work with us," Ben stated.
"Then we don't take no for an answer," then Nick got an idea. "We should go to their town today."
Ben laughed, "Absolutely not."
"Benny come on we need to go talk to her," Nick said.
"I'm not going to their village. It's a Christmas waste land over there. Not to mention we would stick out like sore thumbs."
"Come on dude it can't be that bad. Look we will get in, talk to them, and leave it will be quick. Come on dude you know I can't do this without you," Nick begged.
Benny thought for a moment and sighed, "I can't believe I'm letting you talk me into this."
"So is that a yes?" Excitement showing in Nick's voice.
"Yes it's a yes," Benny sighing at his defeat.
"Yes! Thank you Benny. I owe you one."
"Oh my friend you owe me a lot for dragging me into this whole situation."
"Come on let's go now."
"Yes now its close to dark and I don't want our parents catching us going there."

The boys snuck around the village and headed toward Misfit Town.
Misfit Town is Santa's old village. Over the years as the popularity in Santa Claus grew they needed to upgrade the size of the village and workshop to accommodate all the working elves and all the toys that needed to be made so they shut down the old village and built a new one. When the Misfits were formed they turned the old village into their home. A home for all Christmas villains, their children, and anyone else who hated Christmas.
As the boys came up on the village Benny started to get more nervous.
He spoke up, "Nick I don't know if this is a good idea."
"We're in too deep Ben we can't back out now."
"Actually we can easily just turn around," Benny started to walk back but was stopped by Nick grabbing his arm.
"Dude come on! We came all this way we can't chicken out now," said Nick.
"Nick look at what we are wearing we aren't exactly going to blend in here."
Nick was wearing a red and white plaid button up,  black suspenders with a candy cane pin pinned to them, tan khaki pants, and black high top converse. Ben was wearing a Christmas sweater with black khaki pants and Sperry shoes.
"Ben your worrying to much just keep your head up, act like you are supposed to be there, and keep an eye out for Greta, Heather, and Eben. They will definitely be together."
"That's a lot easier said than done," Benny mumbled as he followed Nick through the gates.

The boys walked through the main entrance to the town and were immediately met with stares and glares from the misfits.
"What are they doing here?" "What's going on?"
They whispered as the boys walked by.
The boys kept walking. Nick was on a mission and nothing was stopping him.

As they walked they looked around at the town. Streets of old run down buildings and houses. Buildings with paint peeling of the side and shutters on windows barely holding on. Paint that used to be colorful and bright was now dull and bland from time. Broken windows, roofs that look like they could cave at any moment, and more. Not to mention the graffiti that littered the buildings. It was hard to believe that this town used to be filled with merry music and Christmas cheer. Now it was just a gloomy wasteland of hate and sorrow.

"Let's ask someone where we can find them. It will make this quicker," he started looking around.
"Nick that's probably not-"
"Hey do you know where we can find Greta Grinch?" Nick asked a misfit girl standing nearby. She looked at them and laughed. She had fair skin and almost white hair. She wore black converse, silver leather pants, and a dark blue zipped jacket.
"You want to talk to Greta Grinch?" The boys nodded. "Yeah good luck with that," she turned to go back to whatever she was doing.
"You're Jackie right? Jack Frost's daughter? Look I need to talk to her about something really important."
The girl turned around and nodded, "Yeah that's me. Look she's not in a good mood today. If you haven't heard, which I'm sure you have, she's the top suspect of the missing toy case. People in the village weren't the nicest to her, or any of us for that matter but especially her on the way back from school. Which isn't new but they're being especially mean now that they think she's trying to destroy Christmas. She's in the old school but I doubt she'll talk to you."
Nick frowned, the kind loving people in his village? Being hateful so close to Christmas?
Benny stepped up, "Thank you for your help. I'm sorry about the way you guys are being treated," He said genuinely.
She shrugged, "It's alright. Nothing we can do about it. Good luck with whatever you're doing," She turned and walked away.
Benny grabbed Nick's wrist and pulled him toward the old school.
"You okay Nick?" Benny asked.
Nick shook his head. "I feel horrible for them. They don't deserve to be treated like this especially during Christmas," Nick said sadly.
"I know. Come on let's get this over with."

They came up to the old school and knocked on the door. No one answered. The door was unlocked they stepped in to find an empty foyer.
"Hello?" Nick called out. They heard shouting from the auditorium.
"Come on let's go," Nick said.
They got up to the auditorium doors and Benny
stopped them.
"Let's listen," Benny said.

Authors note
Ooooo a little cliffhanger I hope you don't mind.
What do you thinks gonna happen next? Comment down below!

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