Nothing like us

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Monday came quickly when Nick found himself standing at his locker getting his things for the day.
"NICKY," August screamed.
"Oh boy here we go," Benny said beside him.
August marched up to the boys with an angry look on her face, "Nicky I'm mad at you!"
Benny tried not to laugh.
"Why what did I do?"
"You forgot that we were supposed to have a date on Saturday and you weren't answering your phone all weekend. I thought you were dead!" She yelled at him. Benny started cracking up and Nick elbowed him.
"I'm sorry ok I got busy."
"Busy with what?"
"Ummm I-I can't tell you."
"Why not?"
"I just can't ok."
"Ugh! Whatever but you better make this up to me!" She walked away with her arms crossed and her friends following behind her.
"Well have fun with that pal I gotta get to class. See ya," Benny said leaving him.
The hallway was pretty clear now that class would be starting in a few minutes. Nick closed his locker to find Greta standing on the other side of it.
"Well isn't she just a breath of fresh air this morning?" Greta said. Nick jumped not expecting her to be there.
"You heard all that?"
"Yeah I'm pretty sure the whole North Pole heard that," she said.
"She's mad because I missed a date on Saturday," Nick explained turning toward her leaning on his locker.
"Oops sorry Princy I didn't know you had a date Saturday," she said laughing. They started walking down the hall as they talked.
"It's not your fault. I was having more fun with you than I would have had with her."
"Why do you even stay with her? Is making your parents happy worth giving up your own mental health," she said.
Nick laughed, "No I want to dump her but if I did I'd never hear the end of it. From her or my parents."
"So what? You'd be happy isn't that all that matters?"
"You're right." He checked his watch. "We should get to class."
"Eh, I'm in no rush but if you're gonna keep your name at the top of the nice list you better get going," he laughed.
"I'll see you later G," he left and went to his next class.
"Why him? Why do you need to fall for him?" She said to herself walking toward her next class.
What the two didn't know was there was a certain someone who had seen them walking together and although she couldn't hear what they were saying she didn't care. All she knew was her boyfriend was hanging out with her enemy and she couldn't have that.

Finally lunch came and Nick found himself standing outside of Mrs. Elfson's door. He was nervous. He needed to do this and he couldn't fail. He needed to do this for this misfits, for Greta.
He knocked on the door.
"Come in!" Shouted a cheery voice.
Nick entered the room to find Mrs. Elfson at her desk grading some papers.
"Ah Nicholas what a pleasure it is to see you!"
"It's nice to see you too Mrs. Elfson," he replied.
Mrs. Elfson was an older woman. She had been teaching at the school for many many years. She had grey hair that was pulled back into a bun with a pencil through it. She had warm hazel eyes, pointy ears, and a small button nose. She was wearing a white blouse with a long red skirt and some low white heels. Her reading glasses were perched on the bridge of her nose and she has a warm smile. She removed her glasses.
"Please please sit down," she insisted.
Nick grabbed a desk chair and pulled it in front of her desk and sat down.
"Now tell me what can I do for you?" She asked.
"Can I ask a favor?" he asked.
"Of course Nicholas," the woman said sweetly.
"Can you please let the misfits pass this class?" Nick asked.
The woman's face fell, "what brought this on Nicholas?"
"I don't think it's fair that they get everything right on tests and assignments but they are still failing just because they have different beliefs then us."
"The point of this class is to learn about Christmas cheer and then go out and spread it, you know this Nicholas. They may learn about it and get by on the work but are they going out and spreading it? No they are not. Therefore they should not be able to pass."
"But Mrs. Elfson there's nothing in the syllabus that states that passing the class includes spreading cheer. It just says that all work must be passed and you must participate in class. What your doing is against school code."
"The headmaster wouldn't mind he hates the misfits anyway."
"Do you really think they are gonna want to change their ways when all you teachers do is treat them like garbage? No they are not."
"They are nothing like us Nicholas. There is no helping them."
"That's where you're wrong Mrs. Elfson. We can help them. There is always a way to help those who need some extra Christmas cheer. But failing them out of a class where they are doing everything right isn't the way to help them. They need love and care because I can promise you they aren't getting that at home. They need to feel accepted and it starts with the teachers. So please, accept them and help them. Don't just fail them," Nick was practically begging at this point.
The older women fell silent. She thought about what he said and sighed, "I suppose you're right Nicholas. You're a good young man. You're going to make a wonderful Santa," she smiled.
"Thank you. I only hope to make you all proud."
"You have already made me proud Nick," she smiled at him. "Now run along it's almost time for your next class."
"Thank you Mrs. Elfson," he stood up and left the classroom. He walked outside to find an empty hallway. He walked down the hall toward the cafeteria.
He walked to the cafeteria and went to his usual spot. Next to Benny.
"Hey how did the meeting go?" Benny asked as Nick sat down.
"Better then I thought. I think I just might be able to fulfill my end of the deal."
"That's great. When do you meet up with Greta again?"
"Hopefully Friday and/or Saturday. I gotta get the list from my dad and take another look around the back room."
"Don't you have a date with August on Saturday? She will lose her mind if you miss it," Benny said.
Nick looked around and leaned in closer to Benny, "I know I won't miss it. But I am seriously considering breaking up with her. I want to take Greta to the gala," he whispered.
Benny almost spit out his drink. "Wait really? Dude your parents will lose it."
"I know but working with her on all this and getting closer. I don't know I just feel like there is something there."
Benny smiled at his friend, "I'm happy for you Nick. I'm glad you are finally going after the girl you have always liked."
"Yeah so why don't you go after Heather?"
"Dude there is no way she would ever like me like that."
"You won't know if you don't try," Nick said.
The boys talked some more and finished eating. Then the end of lunch came and they headed off to their next class.

After Greta left Nick she headed towards her next class arriving just in time.
"You are lucky you aren't late again Ms. Grinch. You are one late away from a Detention," the teacher spoke.
"I know," said Greta as she found her seat. The girl gave up on caring about school. If none of the teachers were willing to work with her then she wasn't going to work with them.

Lunch came quickly when Greta was suddenly stopped in the hall on her way to lunch.
"Greta," August spat.
"August MayWho, I would say it's a pleasure to see you but I'd be lying."
"Stay away from Nick," August said her voice dripping in venom.
Greta laughed, "I have no idea what your talking about." Greta tried to push past the girl but she wouldn't let Greta go.
"Do not lie to me. I saw the two of you talking in the hall this morning and you looked awfully close. I couldn't hear what you were talking about but I know it can't be good. So let me make myself very very clear. Stay away from my boyfriend or I will make your life a living hell," she threatened.
"Don't you think you have done that already? You've taken everything from me August. So stop playing the victim because you are not. Now get out of my way before I move you myself."
August moved out of the way and Greta started walking.
"You are nothing like us Greta Grinch don't ever forget that," August shouted at her.
Greta was fuming but she tried not to show it. She arrived at the lunch room and went to the misfit table in the dark far corner of the room.
"Hey you alright?" Eben asked as Greta sat down.
"No I had a run in with August on my way over here," Greta said.
"Ugh what is her problem now?" Heather asked.
"I was talking to Nick this morning and she saw it. She threatened to make my life a living hell if I don't say away from him but she's already done that so I'm not really sure what else she can do."
"I'm sorry G," Heather said.
"Are you guys planning on meeting up this week?" Eben asked.
"Yeah Friday or Saturday I think."
"You're going to have to move things along. The Christmas Gala is next Saturday," Heather said.
"I know but we work well together. We can do this," Greta said confidently and smiling.
Heather gasped, "you like him don't you?"
Greta sighed and whispered, "maybe a little bit but it's not like anything is going to happen."
"You don't know that," said Eben.
"Whatever but I'm not focused on that right now. We just gotta find who did this and move on. I don't want to get hurt," Greta said sadly.
"I get how you feel. You know I'd love to make a move on you know who but after everything that's happened I'm terrified of being who I really am," Eben said.
"We will all get our chance to be with who we want to be with. We just need to be patient and keep our head high," Heather said.
"You're right," Greta said.
"I know," said Heather flipping her hair. The other two laughed.
The three talked some more and finally lunch was over. They left the cafeteria and went to their next class.

Authors Note
I hope you all are having a good day! Don't forget to vote and share this story with your friends if you are enjoying it!
Much love❤️

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