Peppermint Poppies

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The next morning the boys woke up, got dressed in their typical attire, got ready, and met up at one of their favorite Cafés in town, "Café Christmas". They got hot chocolate and a pastry and sat down in a booth in front of a window.
"Dude are you sure about this plan? There are so many things that could go wrong," Benny said worried.
"Really like what?" Asked Nick.
"What if we get caught? What if our parents find out? What if you don't find anything and this was all for nothing? What if I can't figure out how to turn off the cameras? What if-"
"Benny you gotta be more optimistic buddy. Come on we got this," said Nick.
"How can you be so sure. We're working with the worst kids in the North Pole," Benny said whispering the last part.
"Well if things go bad it will make for a great story one day," Nick said.
"You are gonna be the death of me you know that?"
"Hey at least you get to work with your girlfriend," Nick said wiggling his eyebrows.
"Oh stop it," Benny said turning red.
Nick laughed, "We should grab some pastries and drinks for the others. I know the food isn't the greatest where they are."
"Yeah good idea," Benny said.
The boys got up and bought three more pastries and three more drinks. They then headed out toward their meeting spot always glancing over their shoulder making sure no one was following them.

When they got there the three friends were waiting for them. They were dressed in all black. Both girls had their hair up and hidden in a beanie. Eben was wearing a beanie as well. Greta was also wearing gloves to try and cover as much of her green skin as possible.
"Wow took you long enough," Eben said annoyed.
"Oh shut up Eb we've been waiting for 5 minutes no need to be such a drama queen," Greta said.
"Sorry it took so long. But we brought hot chocolate and pastries fresh from Café Christmas," Nick said holding up the items.
The three friends perked up and grabbed the food and drinks. They quickly ate the pastries and started drinking the hot chocolate. The food was basically garbage where they lived so anytime they could get something to eat from the village they were taking it.
"Wow I could live off of those things," Eben said.
"Really? I didn't think you even tasted it Eb. You basically inhaled that thing like a vacuum," said Heather licking her fingers clean.
"Thanks boys. That was very nice of you," thanked Greta.
"Well you know how it is. Gotta keep our names at the top of the nice list," Nick said jokingly.
"Can't relate," Eben said. Greta and Heather laughed.
"Why are you guys dressed like that? You could have just dressed normal," Benny said.
"First of all this is normal. Second of all we are about to break into a place where 1) we are very much not welcome and 2) if we get caught we could get into some serious trouble," said Greta.
"Yeah I don't feel like spending the night in Jolly Jail so if we dress like this it will be harder to recognize us especially since our hair is covered," finished Heather.
"Should we have dressed like that?" Benny whispered to Nick.
"If you two get caught it won't be a big deal since you guys are in there all the time anyways. If we get caught it will not end well," said Eben.
"Fair point," said Benny
"Alright well we better get moving," said Greta. The rest agreed and they headed toward the shop.

The group walked along the outskirts of the village in the woods and headed toward the back end of the workshop. They hid in the bushes and looked up at the workshop. There was one elf guard standing at each entrance. One at the back door and one around the corner at the side door.
"This is perfect. Usually there's two at each door. This will make Eben's job easier," said Benny.
"I'll start at the side entrance get Benny and Heather in and then come to the back and get Nick and Greta in. See you all when you're out," with that Eben left the group.

When Eben got to the bushes in front of the guard at the side entrance he started looking around for anything that could be used to distract the guard. He looked to his right and found some sticks and rocks. Those would be great for a few minutes but they wouldn't last him. Then to his left he hit the jackpot.

Peppermint poppies.

A very popular flower that grew in these woods. These poppies have red and white petals which helped give them their name. Typically elves would crush up the flower and put it in their tea before bed to help them get a good nights sleep. But with one whiff of this poppy any elf would be instantly knocked out. Once the elf was asleep you would usually have about 30 minutes before they woke up. When they woke up they wouldn't have any recollection of how they feel asleep. Meaning they wouldn't remember Eben being there when they woke up.
"Perfect," Eben whispered.
"What is taking so long," Heather whispered behind him.
Eben slightly jumped and turned around.
"Don't do that!" He scolded. "But hey look at what I found," he said smirking pointing at the flowers.
"Peppermint poppies! Eben your a genius," whisper shouted Heather.
"Ok Benny you're gonna need to help me."
"Me? I can't go near those poppies. I'm an elf remember."
"Yeah which is why I'm gonna handle the poppies. You my friend are gonna throw these rocks at the wall beside the guard," said Eben.
"I don't know about this," said Benny starting to her worried.
"Well do you want Heather to do it and possibly put her in danger or do you want to put on your big boy elf pants and contribute?" Asked Eben holding out the rocks.
Benny sighed, "alright alright give me the rocks."
He grabbed the rocks and moved a little bit to the left of them on the other side of the poppy bush.
He threw one rock at the wall. The elf guard looked over. He then shook his head and ignored the noise.
Benny threw another one again but nothing.
Benny then threw another bigger rock, this time making a louder noise.
The guard knew something was up.
"Who's there?!" He shouted.
He moved away from the door and walked toward the noise. Eben got up from the bushes and moved to behind the guard. Eben then tapped on his shoulder. The guard turned around and gasped in shock when he saw him. As he inhaled the flower was stuck under his nose and the guard slowly started to sit down and fall asleep.
"Come on guys go and hurry you have 30 minutes!" Eben said.
Benny and Heather went in through the door and headed into the workshop.

They headed down the hall a short way and got to the security room on the right.
The security room was a smaller room, big enough to fit a few security elves in it. It had a big control board with buttons that controlled sensors, alarms, and the cameras. There was also a computer that was used to get a closer look at camera footage from past or present. Then on the wall above the control board was many different screens that showed different camera angles throughout the workshop.
Luckily for them all the security that would usually be in there at this time were on a lunch break.
Benny sat down and started looking around. Looking for something to turn the cameras off.
Heather started giggling, "you really have never done something like this have you?"
"Is it that obvious?"
"Just a little bit," she walked over to the chair next to him and sat down. She looked at the board and flipped a few switches. When she flipped off the switches the cameras that would show Nick and Greta coming in turned off.
"How did you know how to do that?" Benny asked.
"I'm smarter then I look," Heather said sternly.
"I never said you weren't smart."
"I know I'm just saying," she sighed. "Sorry I snapped at you. Sometimes people assume I'm the pretty dumb one of the group. I'm more then the pretty one."
"You're right. You are more then a pretty face," Benny said. Heather smiled but tried not to show it.
They sat in a comfortable silence for a bit.
"So what do you want to talk about? We're stuck in here for a bit longer mine as well make something of it," Heather said putting her feet crossed on the control panel.
"We could ask each other random questions and get to know each other?" Benny asked.
"I supposed getting to know you wouldn't hurt," agreed Heather.
"Ok I'll start when's your birthday?" Benny asked.
"June 21st"
"The summer solstice?"
"Yeah the hottest day of the year in the North Pole. It's only fitting don't you think?"
"Yeah it's perfect for you."
"Alright my turn. What's your favorite cookie?" She asked.
"Gingerbread cookies. Mrs. Claus makes the best ones. Those are definitely my favorite. You'll have to try them."
"Yeah I'll just waltz right up to her door and ask for some cookies. I'm sure that will go over well," she said sarcastically.
Benny laughed, "I'll bring you some."
"Alright if you bring me some I'll try them."
"Deal. Ok what's your favorite flower?"
"Really? Why? There aren't any really in the North Pole," said Benny.
"When I was younger my dad would travel back and forth between here and his volcano where he works. Every time he'd come home he'd bring me a sunflower. It's the only flowers anyone's ever given me so they've grown to be my favorite," she answered.
"That's really sweet," he said
"Peppermint poppies are great too."
"Of course you like the flowers that make me pass out," he said. She laughed.
"I'd pick all of the peppermint poppies in the world if it meant you'd go out with me," he said trying to flirt.
"You're never gonna give up are you?"
"Why should I? I-I really like you Heather," he said.
She didn't answer the nervous boy. She only looked away avoiding his gaze.
They sat in silence for a few minutes. In the silence Benny started thinking.
"Wait a minute. When the people broke in they had to have been on camera."
"You're right. Move over let me see the computer," Heather moved herself in front of the computer and started looking for footage from a couple nights ago.
"Here are the files from that night. If only we had a flash drive or something we could load the files onto," Heather said.
"One step ahead of you," Benny grabbed a flash drive from his coat pocket and plugged it into the computer.
Heather looked at him skeptically. Then turned back to the computer.
"I'm not even gonna ask why you just have a random flash drive on you," she said shaking her head.
He laughed then checked his watch, "oh no we gotta wrap this up we need to leave. The guards will be up any minute."
"What about Nick and Greta we don't know if they are out yet?" Said Heather unplugging the flash drive and putting it in her pocket.
"I'll send a text telling him to get out. Hopefully he will see it. Set the cameras to turn back on in one minute," he said.
Heather typed somethings into the computer and got up. "Alright let's get out of here."
Benny grabbed Heather's hands and ran out of the building back to the original spot in the bushes where Eben sat waiting.
"Where's Greta and Nick?" Asked Eben.
"They aren't out yet?" Benny asked.

Authors Note
Oooo another little cliffhanger I hope you don't mind. I hope you all are enjoying the story! If you are please vote and share with your friends.
Much love❤️
Comment what clues you think the duo will find in the shop!

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