The Perfect Year

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What if there was a place where the children of famous Christmas characters go to school? Well there is. North Pole High, a place for the kids of famous Christmas characters to go and learn more about the holiday their parents represent.

The most well known of these students being Nicholas Claus VII or Nick, the son of Santa Claus. He is the next generations Santa. One thing that everyone in the North Pole knows is there's no one that loves Christmas as much as Nick. No one can get into the Christmas spirit quite like he can. From sending Christmas grams to someone who needs it or helping put up Christmas decorations around the school, you can always count on him when it comes to spreading holiday cheer. It's his kind heart that makes him the most suitable for the job that's been passed down for generations. Also he's probably one of the most good looking guys in the school. His blonde hair, blue eyes, and perfect smile will make any girl melt into a puddle. He's just short of six feet tall and very in shape.

"Hey you ready to head out?" His best friend Benny asked. Benny has been his best friend since they were in diapers. He's the son of Bernard, Santa's head elf. This makes him next in line to be the next head elf. That is of course if Nick appoints him to the job. When the next Claus assumes the title of Santa they are allowed to pick their head elf since they work so closely together. He was around the same height as Nick maybe a little shorter with dark hair and brown eyes. He was thin but not necessarily in shape. He hated any form of exercise.
"Yeah let's go," he grabbed his bag and they headed out. They walked through the village to school. As they walked they could smell the freshly baked cookies and hot chocolate from the little bakery's and shops on Candy Cane lane. They could practically taste the Peppermint coming from the Candy Cane shop. All around them elf's bustling and getting ready for the full day ahead of them. With Christmas only a few weeks away elf's were working double time to make sure all gifts are made high quality while being on time.
They got to school and headed to their lockers. All around them the halls were filled to the brim with Christmas decorations. Saying the students of North Pole High loved Christmas was an understatement. All around students were wearing red, green, and the occasional silver or gold. From Christmas sweaters to Christmas scarfs, the students always dressed up for the holidays. They would sometimes even play Christmas music over the loud speaker to get everyone in the spirit. They got to their lockers and start getting their books for their next class.
"Did you finished that assignment for Mr. Snow Miser's class yet? I'm having trouble with the last part of it," Nick said.
"I'll help you out during lunch. The last part is tough but you can get it." Benny was smart, very smart. If anyone had trouble with anything in terms of homework he was the guy to go to.
"Oh Nicky," shouted a very girlie voice.
Benny tried not to laugh, "Oh boy here she comes." Nick rolled his eyes at his friend.
August MayWho came running over and grabbed Nick's arm. August was the daughter of Martha May Whovier and Augustus MayWho, the Mayor of Whoville. August and Nick are in an arranged relationship of sorts. Nick's parents want him to be with someone from a good family, someone who loves Christmas and knows how things in the North Pole run. Basically they wanted the prefect Mrs. Claus and when it came down to it August was that perfect girl. She had blonde hair and green eyes. She stood around 5'2" not including the heels she always insisted on wearing. She was wearing short black heeled boots, tan tights, a black skirt and, a red sweater. Her makeup was done to perfection and her hair was slightly curled. She also wore a headband with a tiny Santa hat on it. She had good grades, gets everything she wants, and is very popular. She was the girl everyone wanted to be. Even though everyone loved her, Nick didn't. He's liked someone else for years but his parents would never approve. So he's just stayed with August.
"Hey handsome," she grabbed his face and kissed him.
"Hey August," he responded.

The first bell rang which meant two things. First being class was starting in 10 minutes. The second being the other students were coming. By the other students I mean the students that everyone in the North Pole despised. If you loved Christmas you did not like these kids. Even if they did nothing to you, you still didn't like them.

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