Chapter 20

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Today is going to be crazy. I can feel it, everyone is in place. Last night's meeting was kind of intense after we each got our parts to play. But I'm okay with it, especially if it means we can start searching for Sang soon. My little Coffee Bean.

I miss her so damn much, even though we really haven't gotten to be together. I miss her smile, her laugh, her presence, I want to make coffee for her every morning.

Mr. B and Axel left early to speak with the bank people, I really don't know the appropriate terms on how to handle business things like they do. I'm more of a layer back person, I like to get into trouble once in awhile. And I'm down to do some crazy stuff sometimes. Kind of like Luke, only prettier.

It's almost 8:30, all the students should be in class now. Victor will let us know, he's watching the cameras. Me and the guys are all dressed up as part of the police force. They think we're in from another country helping out, were part of the narcotics and gang department.

We have the whole attire with face masks to help sealing our identity. We weren't able to know all students would show up, maybe 50 or so out of, over a thousand, students called in sick or just missing school today for other things. Maybe doctors appointment.

Gabriel, Nathan and Silas are with us, we didn't want them to wait all day for other to get searched. Doc is in class, waiting for the lockdown. Axel is going to come back with Mr. Crowley to announce a school lockdown drill. And so Principal Hendricks and McCoy don't say anything. We need them to panick as well. All exits are blocked, doors will be chained for the day. Only one way out is through the front door.

Officers are scattered around, FBI will be going in with search dogs, Brandon and Kota are going to help take note of who's who, locker numbers, and stuff like that. Corey is now getting the city to turn off the water for the school.

Mr. Crowley will have all teachers to lock the doors, and classes will be searched five by five, so this doesn't take all day. Me, Silas, North, Nathan and Luke will be apart of the 5 teams, we'll be searching building by building.

Luke seems excited to see McCoy in cuffs, were hoping Mrs. Clark and Hendricks will be cuffed as well. We had to make sure all the other faculty staff are in one room as well, phones taken away so they can't send out warnings to whomever. We never know who they'll tell to back off from the school.

"We're all in the clear, water is off, students all in classes, hallways are clear. Staff are walking to single room, officers taking car keys and phones, pagers." Victor's said, updating us. We'll just our team, he continues, "Staff in place, outside teams will let dogs search cars, entrance road is blocked off."

We look around and see some of the K-9 units letting them smell the cars, one guy put a red tape on the front windshield. There's one car that has something in it. Another guy is writing down license plates. I move forward with the team I'm in, were covering the back buildings, or should I say class trailers.

"All teachers are locking classrooms from the inside, some students are looking guilty." Vic's voice still updating us slowly, and telling us what he sees on the cameras.

The lead officer knocked on the door, "officers coming in, unlock the door Mr. Stanford." This row of trailers are the history classes, it's what we're starting with.

When the door opened, the teacher stepped back and stood by wall behind his desk. "Attention students, we are doing a lockdown drill. Don't worry, be honest and straight with us. You try to run, we'll be forced to cuff you. We're locking for drugs and weapons. Keep seated, officers will grab your bags and search them on this side of the class."

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