Chapter 2

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After a long eight hour drive up from Miami, I'm finally at my destination. Academy headquarters, it's been too long since I stepped into the old building that looks like small business offices. But that's just the outside, I walked in and went straight to the elevator. Once inside I pressed the button for the 6th floor. I don't know why I feel so nervous, maybe because I'm going be meeting the team that needs my help. The meeting starts at 3pm, I have about 45 minutes to spare to get my body to settle down. When the elevator dinged and the doors slid open, there was another wide single door with a key pad about 15 feet from it. There was a security guy sitting behind a desk next to it. We say 'hello' to each other. I place my hand on the screen and enter my passcode. The door unlocks and I pull it open.

Headquarters has more of a modern type to it inside, and different from the floors below. Only academy members have access to it. I say my greetings to the front desk lady that's looks at me. It seemed she wanted to say something to me but dismissed it. I'm not a regular to come here often, but knowing I scanned my hand confirmed I am academy. I walked down the hall to the right and knocked on the last door. I could hear Uncle Phil's voice "come in".

I slowly open the door and saw the old man at his computer. He looked up and practically jumped at the sight of me, "Sang!". We collided in the middle of his office for a much needed family hug.

"Your here! God I missed you. How are you?" He asked getting emotional on me. He let me go and took a step back.

"I'm great Uncle Phil, it's good to see you too. I missed you a lot." Keeping in my tears. I haven't seen him in 2 years. He called me for a favor once, and we only talked on the phone on certain holidays.

"So how was Miami? You got the job done pretty fast. Decided to lay on the beach?" He teased.

I help out a homeless shelter down there, apparently the manager that owned it didn't use the government funds to fix it up, he'd been stealing a large amount to keep for himself. No one notice it because he printed fake receipts to file along with other documents the state needed.

"Yeah, that guy will be serving serious time for stealing state funds and fraud." I said, I acted as a lawyer on behalf of a couple of homeless men and women . I put in a complaint of safety measures the building didn't have, and had it condemned. The homeless there were moved to a larger shelter that helped them.

"Well it's good to see you helping others. I'm glad you decided to come, this mission I told you about is getting off track real fast. I hope you don't mind working with a dog team, I didn't get a chance to ask how you feel about it, I'm sorry." He said sincerely.

"No, it's ok. I want to help in anyway I can. Besides, I might need to work on my friendship skills." I joked. I didn't really get the chance of making friends, I traveled too much and I didn't like that I couldn't give them my real identity. Phil gave me a soft understanding smile.

"I know little bird, but maybe you should give it a chance soon. You need someone that you can talk to, and not just me." He chuckled.

Maybe he's right about that. Someone my own age, how hard could it be? Ugh, hard. I know I'm a shy person a first, but I can really open up and be myself sometimes. Maybe I'll try with this team I'm meeting.

"I'll try, but no promises. So, before we get to the meeting I need to know my new alias. And this team better not be rookie's if it's taking a wrong turn real fast." I said seriously, I really don't want to hang around a bunch of dud's. Phil snorted trying to keep a straight face. Uh oh.

"They are the best teams the academy ever seen, and they decided to merge their teams together as one. The council thought it would be a great idea, considering jobs other teams can't handle." He seemed proud of this group, and I trust Phil on his words.

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