Chapter 7

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I lay awake in bed 10 minutes before my alarm is supposed to go off. I had a dream, a good one I think, but I don't remember. I never had a good dream before, only the nightmares that plagued me of my step mothers cruelty. I don't know what part woke me up, but now I'm working my memory hard just to hope it will pop back up. They say that dreams lengths vary, they may last for a few seconds just before you wake, but it seems a lot longer in the sleep state. It may last more than 30 minutes to spend in a single dream and people are more likely to remember the dream if they are awakened during the rapid-eye movement phase. Now I think about it, it makes sense. I never had a good memory growing up, not one that made me happy, not until I came back here and met a group of male models. Now thats a dream come true.

Thinking back on yesterday, it was the best day I have ever experienced. I made friends, we shopped, had lunch, and hung out together with snacks and movies. I missed this experience my whole life, now its finally happening and I'm afraid its all part of dream. The emotions Im feeling right now is how the old Sang felt. Scared, lonely, weak, and useless. Why did these feelings just show up? I know that's not who I am anymore, but I think I fear of being alone again after I just had a unforgettable day with being part of a team. My mind was like a carousel I wasn't getting off of until my alarm started ringing.

Ugh! I so don't want to go back to school. I shut off my alarm, sat up and stretched. A un-lady like yawn escaped my lips before I could stop it, I seriously sounded like chewbaca. I got up and grab the clothes Gabriel choose for me to wear today and walked to my bathroom for a well needed shower. I caught a glimpse in the mirror to see my hair looks like a rats nest, did I really toss my head in my sleep like I was at a rock concert? Glad Gabriel isn't here yet to see this, it would probably give him nightmares. Thinking of him made me come back to what I'm suppose to be doing, I shower and dress up. He said he wanted to come by this morning before we leave to fix my hair. I put in my blue contacts for the school girl role.

I went into the kitchen to look for some breakfast and fix lunch when there was a knock at the door. I went over to open it and was tackled by a blond blur.

"Morning Trouble! You ready for school?" Gabriel asked, a little too excited to go to that thing. I didn't see who else came in until Gabriel put me down and gave me a side hug.

"Morning Princess", Victor said. He always looks so handsome in formal clothing, along with those burning eyes of his. He came up to give me a hug too.

"Morning guys, sleep well?" I really didn't know what to say, let alone feel surprised of their open affection towards me. I need to get use to their hugs. Victor stepped back and handed me... breakfast?

"North made Breakfast burritos for everyone", he said probably reading my thoughts.

"Thank you." I gave him a smile and Gabriel grabbed my hand and dragged me back to my bathroom. Victor followed after us.

"Come on Trouble, got work to do. Mr. B wants us in their apartment for a quick meeting and then we'll get to going." He rushed out. He told me to sit on the countertop, and plugged in the hair dryer. "I love your gorgeous hair Trouble, its like all shades of blonde, even the red streaks. That one looks like strawberry blonde or some shit. Fucking beautiful. Now I wish you didn't have to hide those perfect eyes of yours. But I guess you can join the club, blue eyed peeps have it best." He winked, his compliment brought heat to my cheeks. I really am not use to the attention. I looked down hoping his eyes were glued on my hair instead of my face.

He chuckles, "no hiding those pinks cheeks, its just natural make up that makes you look more stunning."

"Um.." I cleared my throat and tried to think of something to talk about. Victor was leaning against the door frame just watching us. "So, what's the meeting for?" I asked before opening my foiled breakfast and taking a bite. Mmmm.

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