Chapter 4

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Someone cleared their throat behind me, and I could figure out already they wanted to see me and probably start some introductions. When I turned my chair to face the other members, I couldn't get my head to look up. Not yet. After saying a small prayer to whoever, hoping I won't make a fool of myself that I did look up. And I didn't let my eyes go wide at how many there were. I started on my right side and worked my way left, handsome face, after handsome face, after handsome face. Wow, 13 men in all. Plus the one that left. This is a very large dog team, and they were all staring at me. Well crap, I knew it! They all look like their frozen in time, are they even breathing?

When I saw a guy with a Zelda t-shirt, I smiled at him. Wonder if he like to play video games like me? Omg I'm such a nerd, he probably figured it out. The guy next to him was the same. Wait what? I had to do a double take, twins. The only difference was their eyes. Thing 1 was happy and bright, while Thing 2 was sad like. I was hoping to cheer him up with a smile, but it didn't take any effect. Ookay.... On with the tour of handsome faces. They all had their features, some looked scary but I didn't let that bother me. One looked Russian, and I really wanted to find out by saying something in the language, but his face looked lost. I giggled at the thought of professional Russian men, they're always trying to find fruit cups.

The last face I sought out was the end of the table, I skipped over him before. He had Native feature, and I'm guessing team leader, not family lead. The family leads in the academy are the ones that make sure the members and their blood families are taken care for. Make sure they keep their homes clean and have food in the fridge, bills are paid on time. That kind of stuff. Team leads are the actual leaders of the team, they set up assignments and approve of jobs for their team. Give the orders and whatnot, kinda like the Alpha dog.

I don't have a family or a team. I'm a solo bird that does everything own her own. And being a ghost makes it hard, but I will experience with this group of what they're all about. Maybe I'll change my mind one day and start a family of my own.

I gave the group a small wave and said "hi". My voice was small but I wasn't gonna let them think I couldn't handle myself around a group of guys. No, I was gonna stand my ground and be polite to my new team, even though the shyness will always be there first.

I was shocked with how fast they just got up and left. Well ouch. My mouth hung open while I sat there, did I say something wrong? I was hoping someone would say something, and when they didn't, I did. I thought I was gonna get a 'hi' back or I don't know, something besides just leaving.

My heart hurt a bit, did no one want to befriend me? Did my eyes just scare them off? Did I take too long trying to start up a conversation? Maybe I should have asked someone something? Maybe this is was a bad idea, I should tell Uncle Phil what happened. Should I pack up and go to another location that's wants my help? I sighed. Well, I'll just see what Uncle wants me to do. Maybe he can talk to them. With that I gave a short text to Uncle Phil about the meeting, and I'm going to go check out my new place. Watch some Hulu and not worry about what just happened under 6-7? Minutes. I guess that can be a record.

I leave the meeting room after a few minutes to gather my thoughts. I walked pass the front desk lady and said my goodbye, she acknowledge me with a small smile and a wave. Well that's something I guess. I take the elevator back down and walked to my parked car. I got in and started the engine then headed toward the Sergeant Jasper apartment building on John's Island. I wanted as much distance between me and Sunnyvale Court, and what still resides there. I shivered at the thought.

I pulled up to a 12 story building that was along a bay, it didn't look like much, but it'll do. I found some parking closer to the entrance and parked. I grabbed my bag from the back seat and put my phone on my bra, I don't know what kind of people live here but I'm not chancing anyone bumping into me on purpose. I am a great pick pocket thief when I need be, but only on my missions. I also put on some light tinted sunglasses to cover my eyes. I enter the building and it's cozy inside. It looks kind of like a old hotel that got refurbished. Cream walls, white tiles, fair lighting. A few plants here and there to give color, and a security desk with two men sitting behind it. One is facing the monitors checking cameras, the other is drinking coffee and doing small talk. I can see mail slots inside the wall behind them. They both see me and ask what my business is here.

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