Chapter 1

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I woke up to my phone buzzing like crazy, why did I choose that alarm? Not wanting to leave my slumber, I got up and checked for any new text messages from Phil. Do I even want to open it? No. But I'm not one to ignore him. Phil has been like an uncle to me ever since we met. He's been my family since I was 15. He found me outside of a gas station late in the night near the academy hospital. I made a tough decision to leave my home, where no one wanted me. I learned that my mother wasn't my mother, and father didn't care what her and my sister Marie did to me. I frown at the memory.

It was like a hot burning brand on my back when mother took a blade to it, making long ugly swirls all over. Mother was mad when I forgot to cook dinner, because I was simply lost in a daydream where my life was my own. I came inside from the back yard to her yelling and cursing me of what a wh**e I was. Sneaking out and selling my body to men. Yeah,..that's all BS. She showed nothing but hatred to me, I knew in my heart that's not what parents are supposed to do to their children. Years of punishment she gave me was something I couldn't understand.

She grabbed a handful of my hair and shoved me to the kitchen floor. I watched her get the lemon juice and vinegar mixed together in a cup. She made me drink it all. The pain my throat felt was like I was in the desert for weeks without water. It burned all the way down to my stomach. I tried to cry out for her to stop and that I was sorry, but nothing. Then she shoved me down on my stomach and ripped off my shirt, it was too late that I noticed the knife in her hands.

"This is what you get for being a wh**e! No one will look at you now. This is my house and you will obey my rules!" She screamed at me.

I felt the cuts she made all over. When she was done, so was I. I cried so hard that I couldn't breathe. She threw the knife across the floor and laughed.

"Do not leave this house Sang! Now clean this up and go to your room.!" She shouted.

I waited til she returned to her room, then I listened. Nothing. Where was Marie? Dad? I knew they were home, they just didn't care. I collected my self the best I could. Hot blood was running down my back, and I almost slipped on some that was all over the floor. I don't know what gave me the courage to leave, but I did. I ran out the back door after grabbing my light sweater that was on the couch, I ran pass the woods behind the house as fast as I can. I didn't know what the time was or how long I walked, but I couldn't go any further. I saw a gas station up ahead and I stayed in the shadows, scared someone might find me an hurt me. I made it to the gas station and saw the restroom was outside. It was locked and needed a key, I whimpered. I needed to find a place I could rest. The loss of blood and long walk I just did, I didn't know what to do.

I could feel my sweater stuck to me like it was trying to help stop the bleeding. I heard a vehicle drive into the parking lot of the store. I rushed to the big trash bin trying to hide before anyone saw me, but nearly tripped and hit my shoulder against it trying to catch myself. The trash was clearly empty by how it gave off a loud echo. I cursed it. I was too focused on breathing and hoping if anyone that heard the noise was thinking it was just some kind of animal looking for food. I didn't even notice a middle aged man standing couple feet from me, staring.

"Hello miss, are you ok? Do you need any help?" His voice was nice and had concern behind his words, something in me knew he wasn't going to hurt me.

"I can call someone for you, what's your name?" I didn't know how to answer. My voice long gone, and I started to freak out that this man was gonna call the cops and take me to the hospital. Maybe call my house and tell my parents. I shook my head no, scared of going back.

"Okay! Okay! I won't call anyone. My name is Dr. Phil Roberts, and if you'll let me, I can take a look at you. I can see your hurt", he says.

I held my breath, not knowing what do. I was weak and didn't want to die next to a dumpster. I gave him a small nod, and he gave me a soft smile in return. He stepped closer to help me up and saw how bad my back was cover in blood. I heard him gasp.

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