Chapter 16

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It's been a week and my brothers were losing it. I replayed the rescue mission in my head over and over. We almost had him, Volto. Now he has our girl and we don't know where. My heart felt so heavy without her, it always lifted when she was around, just her smile alone made my heart warm like Sunshine.

Me and Victor were at head quarters being the teams eyes and ears from afar. "Move on" I said to my Sunshine, she got two of the girls out. Relief washed over me, but we still needed the last one. We heard Luke being impressed by something she did, then shouting came through the our earpieces.

We knew something happened, especially when Mr. Blackbourne told the team to move in and back up was needed. We heard Sang's voice "Get her out!", She sounded out of breath, then a thunk sounded. All we could hear was the others shouting to break down the door, there was no where to run. Everyone called out to Ghost but she didn't respond.

My fingers were itching to fly across the keyboard in front of me, ready to take orders.

"All 3 doves ready to lift off. Hawks in tow." Axel voice came over the others grunting and cursing noises. Me and Victor tracked the GPS of Sean and Brandon taking the girls to the academy hospital.

What felt like an eternity, the guys said they broke down the door and found it empty. What now? North voice was loud saying a trapped door at the corner of the room, they couldn't open it.

"C, V, check city records around the area for underground tunnels, where do they lead to?" Kota asked, and my fingers went to work. We didn't find anything connected to the coroners office. The building behind it had one though and it connected to the sewer for the whole street. I gave this information to everyone, it must've been made recently by hand. Silas said the 4x4 kept the door closed and two metal supports were made for it.

"Volto was prepared, this is why we didn't see him come in and out. He was using this escape route." North said, clearly upset.

Mr. Blackbourne gave the orders for North and Nathan to get a crow bar to open the passage way some how. Raven wanted to blow it up, but that might destroy what is down below and risk it collapsing if it is a suggest tunnel.

Axel's voice broke through everyone. "The hounds got the vultures in custody. Families were called in for the birds, Dr. Roberts gave academy lawyers the Intel, we can give luke's button footage to them later."

"Let's have everyone at a possible exits, rule of two. C and V get us those locations. N, get that open and let us know where it leads, track them as far as you can, move out!" Mr. Blackbourne tone was cold, but none the less worried about Sang.

An hour passed and we finally traced Volto's escape to the boating docks on Ashley River. We lost them, too much time has passed and everyone was to regroup back here at HQ.

Our Ghost was gone.


Hours passed, and then days. Half of the team weren't sleeping, we've been trying to search everywhere for Sang. We had a meeting last night, the academy council included. Dr. Roberts informed us about the Ghost situation, and tried to reassure us that she will make it out on her own. It's only the time that will kill us, and for us to back down on searching.

That sentence didn't get the results it was probably hoping for, everyone argued with the council and that the Ghost should try to be found. Sang deserved to be found, deserved to know that we will never stop looking. She was alone, she needed our help. Axel and Mr. Blackbourne got control of the outburst, we all had hours the next morning.

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