Chapter 5

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I was back at headquarters the next morning to see how the room was coming, and to add some of my work on the wall that had a new big whiteboard. I started tapping up the information I printed out, and put it in order that makes more sense. I wrote down more research I found last night while waiting on my take-out to arrive. There was some leads we could try. I also paired up the guys for teams on different things to do. I took a step back from the wall to look at the bigger picture. I always found it better to put all the info in front of you to see everything more clearly. I only do this when I get stuck on a couple things during my own missions. Now that when the guys will see it, they can make a comment or add something that's missing.

I walked back to the computer set up and made sure Victor and Corey had what they needed. I smiled at the thought of them hacking together, I really would like to know how good they are. I informed the guys that the meeting will be at 9, I have a few minutes spare. I started to get nervous again, it's like I can feel my shyness level rise. I really hope I don't make a fool of myself or something. It's going to be hard working with these men, I can tell. I don't know why it's them that makes me feel like I've been missing so much in life.

I did go on a small coffee date once, just to see what it was like. In France, a guy wanted to hang out more with me but I had to decline him. I was only in town for a couple of days. Its hard to date being in the academy, you find a person who you want to be with and see where it goes. But missions get in the way of that. They'll start asking questions, and you can't talk about it, or you're gone most of the time. It's a real struggle for those who do it, and it never goes the way they want. Maybe if I was a regular academy person I could try an date, but I need to keep my status a secret. It is what it is I guess. I was brought out of my thoughts when the door opens and he guys started pilling through, actually shoving it each other.

"Kinsley!!!!" Most of the shout, I ducked my head down a little trying to hide. I don't know what I'm supposed to do now. "Umm hi", I squeaked out. I immediately looked down and blushed, oh God my stupid teenage girl is showing. Come on Sang your an adult! I turned around as fast as I could to hide my flushed face, but I already heard some of them snickering. Damnit! I took and deep breath and turned to face them once more, I saw half wearing smirks and the other half with tinted cheeks to match my own. I cleared my throat to and put on my 'business' look on, hoping they'll forget how I reacted to them coming in.

"Good morning gentlemen", I started out, "shall we discuss the new strategy on the current mission?". I was not surprised when Raven walked up to me after everyone took a seat.

"I don't have fruit cup yet my little kitten, but I brought you chocolate. I might have to do this American way for now, da?" Raven said in Russian, his accent deep and smokey. He handed me a snickers bar that said Who Are You When Your Hungry? HOT MESS. I let out a laugh at the candy captions. He's trying so hard. I smiled at him which made him blush. "Thank you Raven, if you think I'm a Hot Mess when I'm hungry, you should have got me a lollipop instead, da?" I replied back to him with a naughty joke. He stood there gaping at me and and I laughed some more. "Have a seat Raven, I don't think your ready for my jokes." I looked around the table of 13 curious faces. Probably wondering what our conversation was about.

When Raven sat down he finally had a comeback, "Jokes or not my little kitten, I'll get you blushing so hard from what I can come up with. Russians aren't shy about anything" He winked at me. I sat there trying to keep a straight face not letting his words get to me. My toes were curling on their own, little traitors.

I took my seat and put the candy bar in front of me, "Baby don't eat that! Damnit Crow, you trying to give her diabetes?! Your fucking fruit cup is healthier. Fuck! Don't give her that either, Kinsley give me the candy and I'll get rid of it." North shouted to both me and Raven. I just looked between him and the candy wondering if he was serious? "Um, it's okay North, I can eat the candy. I haven't really eaten anything sweet for 3 weeks." I told him, trying to have him calm down. I think he's the health nut type of person.

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