Chapter 14

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Emma returned home with a wide smile on her lips. On her way back, she'd thought of all the things that made her happy. She still didn't feel great, but she felt better than before her visit to the grave.

Even when he wasn't on earth anymore, Killian managed to make her feel better about herself.

Hope had been sitting on the kitchen table and stood up as soon as she heard the door open. She looked worried at her mother and hurried towards her to give her a hug.

"Mom, is everything alright? You left so suddenly, I was so worried." Emma wrapped her arms around her daughter as the blonde girl rested her chin on her mother's shoulder. "What happened? Did I do something wrong?"

"No, you didn't do anything. I just really needed to get outside for a moment."

It was just now, that Emma realized that Regina was standing near the counter, looking at them with a concerned expression on her face.

Emma released her daughter and smiled at her. "It's gotten pretty late. Why don't you go to bed. Tomorrow's a school day and you have to get up early."

Hope nodded slowly. "Yes, I have history first period and Mrs. Mills will simply kill you if you're too late," Hope said, knowing very well that Regina was standing behind her. Emma playfully rolled her eyes and shook her head slowly.

"Goodnight, mom," Hope said before she kissed her mother's cheek.

"Goodnight, sweetie. Shall I tuck you in?" Emma asked, but Hope was already walking to her bedroom while she was shaking her head no.

Her door closed and Emma turned to Regina. "I'm so sorry for leaving so abruptly," Emma apologized. "I just had to get away for a moment there."

Regina's concerned look didn't go away and Emma felt herself becoming slightly uncomfortable. The brunette just looked at her.

"Where'd you go?" The tone was soft and Emma could see that Regina truly cared and that she was genuinely worried.

"It doesn't really matter," Emma responded with a smile. "Everything suddenly became a bit much and I had to go outside for a second."

Regina observed Emma and a weak smile appeared on her lips. "You know you can always talk to me. Even if I'm the reason it's too much. Especially then."

"It's not you, it's because of all the stupid things I did in life," Emma muttered and tensed her shoulders. She kept quiet for a moment and sighed softly. "Ever since this afternoon, I've felt guilty. I knew it was wrong to sleep with a married woman and I can't believe that I've jeopardized your marriage for my own benefit."

Regina's face saddened and she slowly shook her head. "Emma, is there anything I can do to make you stop with torturing yourself? Nothing that's happened is your fault."

Emma shrugged. "But what if you divorce? I mean.."

"That wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, Emma," Regina interrupted and smiled slightly. "There are so many things that I fear, but divorce is not one of them. I'm not rooting for it to happen, but if it does, it's meant to happen."

Emma didn't reply and just looked at her friend. Regina kept quiet for a moment before she gestured with her head at the bedroom door. "Let's go get some sleep. We both could use some."

Without saying anything else, both women walked to Emma's bedroom. Emma quickly dressed into her pajamas, and Regina was even quicker to put on her night garments.

"Oh, I hope you don't mind sleeping with me in the same bed. I could sleep on the couch if you'd prefer that?" Emma insecurely inquired. They'd had sex many times, but she had never actually slept in the same bed as Regina.

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