Chapter 17

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Hope was pregnant for four months, now. Emma and Hope had just visited the doctor's and were on their way home. Hope was showing quite some pregnant belly already, but she managed to hide it quite well in public.

Everything was alright to the baby, which was a big relief to Hope, because the stomach cramps and back aches had made her think differently.

Regina had been staying with them for the past three weeks, while she was going through the divorce. Emma liked Regina's company and Hope seemed to get more used to the woman's presence as well.

Emma knew her daughter still didn't love the fact that Regina was in her home - especially because both she and Regina hadn't fully explained the reason - but she just went along with it.

They entered the apartment and we're greeted by the sweet scent of brownies. Regina was standing behind the kitchen isle and was cleaning up the kitchen.

It was a Wednesday and after work, Emma had immediately gone to pick up Hope from school to go to the doctor's. She hadn't seen Regina at all, except in the morning, and she immediately smiled when she saw her friend.

"You look happy," Emma said as she noticed Regina's broad smile.

"She sent three boys in class to the principal's office today, so that's why," Hope replied smugly and hang her jacket on the coat rack.

Regina shot a stern look at Hope, before she cocked her head. "Okay, tell me this. Was it really just me or were those boys extremely rude?"

Hope smiled. "Oh, they were rude, but just so you know, students always take each other's side, so of course no one's going to say that they were being rude." She dropped her bag to the floor and looked at her mother. "She's strict as a teacher, though," she whispered, overly loud, knowing perfectly well that Regina could hear it.

"Anyway.." Regina said and shook her head lightly as she chuckled. "Tomorrow, the divorce will be finalized. So, that's why I'm in a good mood. You better enjoy it, because who knows how long it will last." Regina said the last part to Hope, who rolled her eyes exaggerating.

"Congratulations. Now, why don't you go grade my history essay, while I bring you a bottle of red wine," Hope suggested with a smug tone and smiled broadly, figuring that Regina would be less strict if she graded papers with some alcohol.

Regina rolled her eyes and sighed softly. "How was it at the doctor's? Is everything alright?" she inquired, mainly because she was interested, but also because she wanted to change the subject.

"Everything seems healthy," Emma responded. She'd watched her friend and daughter bickering with amusement and was walking towards Regina in the kitchen. "Right, honey?"

Hope nodded and smiled slightly. "Yeah. I have to go now. Mrs. Mills isn't the only strict teacher, forcing children to do their homework."

The girl went to her bedroom and Emma looked at Regina, who was washing the cloth with water. The brunette looked in the oven, to see how her brownies were doing, before she turned to Emma.

"How are you?" Regina asked. Emma only now noticed that Regina had a spot of brownie mix on her face.

"I'm doing fine. You have a bit of brownie on your face, though," Emma said with a slight smile and pointed at the chocolate.

"Oh, thanks." Regina tried to wipe it away, but hadn't gotten the entirety of it, so Emma moved her hand up to get the last bit, but Regina was quick to dodge her touch.

"I- I'm sorry," Emma apologized. "There's still a bit there, I figured it'd be alright."

Regina laughed nervously and quickly shook her head. "It's not your fault. I'm just still trying to win that bet with Robin and so far, I've succeeded, as you know." Regina wiped away the last bit of brownie herself, and looked at Emma.

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