Chapter 24

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Emma watched as Regina elegantly walked towards her with two cups of tea. She placed them on the coffee table and sat down next to Emma on the couch.

"How do you feel?" Regina asked. She found that Emma looked much calmer then ten minutes ago, but she still seemed tense. Emma was warming her feet in a small tub with hot water and she was wrapped in a blanket.

"I'm not quite sure," she softly responded and gazed in the distance. "Would you ever consider going on another date with me?"

Regina smiled. "Of course. I'd love that."

Emma tried to scoot closer to Regina, but it was hard as she was fully covered in a blanket and had her feet in water. So, Regina moved closer to her instead.

"Would you ever consider kissing me again?" Emma asked softly and a small smirk formed on her lips. She felt conflicted and numb, but she did know she wanted to be with Regina.

She still felt the need to fuck her thoughts away, though she hadn't felt like that since a long time. It had always helped for a brief moment, but Emma craved just a brief moment of calmness in her mind.

Regina looked her in the eyes and Emma felt as though Regina saw exactly what she was thinking. Though the brunette didn't say anything. She just moved her lips to Emma's and kissed her gently.

Butterflies erupted in her stomach as Emma felt the soft lips against her own and she needed more. She kissed Regina and moved her blanket away to pull the woman closer.

Her tongue dived between Regina's lips and she moved it around in a rough manner, battling Regina's tongue. Regina was quick to regain her dominance and their muscles twirled around one another, before Regina pulled away with heavy breathing.

Emma rested her forehead against Regina's and let her hands slide down over Regina's back. "Would you consider taking me upstairs to the bedroom?" Emma softly inquired and cupped Regina's jaw.

She didn't get a response. It stayed quiet, but Emma didn't really know why. "We don't have to, if you don't want to. It's your call."

Regina pulled her head away from Emma's and looked at the blonde. She grabbed Emma's hands, but had a conflicted look on her face.

"I.. this may sound silly, but the only times we've slept together was when one of us felt bad. And if we're really going to start dating, I'd like to put that in the past and have sex with you not because you or I feel bad, but because I care deeply about you and without any negative feelings."

A smile formed on Emma's lips and she nodded. "Right now, I feel like we could both be in a better state of mind after what's happened tonight," Regina confessed.

"I love the way you put it," Emma responded. "Maybe we could just watch a movie," she suggested and moved her feet in the still warm water.

"I'd like that," Regina replied and caressed Emma's cheekbones tenderly. "Thank you."


"You're home late," Hope stated. Emma closed the apartment door softly and was confused to see Hope still awake. She was reading a book on the couch, with a cup of tea beside her and a sleeping Leo in her arms.

"You're still awake?" Emma remarked and kicked her heels off. She felt happy, having spent the night with Regina, but there was still this nagging feeling in her chest.

"Leo didn't want to go to sleep," Hope said. "Nicholas went home about two hours ago. What have you been up to all this time? I thought you'd just have dinner."

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