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"Happy birthday, little guy," Emma said and kissed her grandson's temple. Leo looked at her with raised eyebrows and slowly shook his head.

"I'm not a little guy anymore," he remarked and smirked as Regina cut up the cake. It had taken some time, but he'd blown all the four candles on the cupcake and was still filled with pride.

Hope smiled at her son and chuckled softly. She averted her eyes to the man behind her and kissed him softly. "He's getting so big," she whispered. "It feels like only yesterday that I held him in his arms as a little baby."

Nicholas nodded and inhaled deeply. "I know. He looks so happy." He laughed softly when he saw Leo trying to get ahold of a piece of cake.

"Now, wait just one moment. I still have to cut it up," Regina told the little boy and he seemed beyond unsatisfied. "Then, I'll give you the biggest piece."

Leo smirked slightly, but he couldn't wait for the pie and as Regina turned the cake to cut it into smaller pieces, he stretched his arms and grabbed a piece of pie with his bare hands.

"Leo!" Hope scolded and exchanged a look with Regina. Regina quickly retrieved a napkin and wiped Leo's hands clean as she looked disappointed at him.

The little boy did nothing but giggle with his mouth full of cake. "Emma, I could use a little help over here," Regina muttered. "Could you give people the cake. Leo is making quite a mess of everything."

"It's no mess. It's cake," Leo said proudly as Regina sighed and cleaned up his hands.

"Thank you, Regina," Hope said and smiled at her former teacher. The woman reciprocated the smile and stroked Leo's cheek.

"He's grown so much since I last saw him." Emma handed Mary Margaret a small plate with a piece of pie on it and smiled.

"I know. He grows so much every single day," she responded.

Emma looked at her mother. She and Mary Margaret got along pretty well. She'd gotten to know her mother over the past four years and she really saw her as family.

She didn't really see her as a mother figure, but she did feel like family. She'd gotten to know Hope very good as well. Hope had been shocked when she first heard about Mary Margaret's existence, but once they got to know each other, they became best buds.

Hope was still happy with Nicholas. The man owned his own candy shop in the town and Hope was studying to become a lawyer. She had to travel quite some time to arrive at law school, but she did quite well.

Emma looked around and laughed softly when she saw Regina playing with Leo. Regina had been as much a grandma to Leo as Emma and Emma loved seeing that.

"I am sad that I missed seeing you grow up," Mary Margaret said softly and Emma smiled weakly.

"I know, but you're here now and you get to see Leo grow up," she said, trying to comfort the older woman.

"Great party. I usually hate children's birthdays, but you make them somewhat enjoyable." Emma turned around when she recognized Ruby's voice and smiled.

"Thank you," she replied and chuckled softly. "Though Regina is the real party planner here. I didn't do anything. Hope didn't have any time and Nicholas actually didn't want to plan a party at all, so this is all Regina's work."

Ruby laughed and looked at Regina, who was talking to Belle, a dear friend of both Emma and Regina. Regina briefly looked at Emma and smiled. Emma smiled back and blushed, before she looked back at Ruby.

Mary Margaret had started a conversation with one of the other people present. Ruby often interrupted conversations, but Emma had gotten used to it and she didn't really mind anymore.

"You've been together for almost four years and you still act like a lovesick teenager. How do you do it?" Ruby questioned and Emma laughed.

"I love her," Emma said with a shrug. "After Killian I didn't think I would ever find love again, but somehow I did. She makes me happy and I can't imagine my life without her anymore."

"I'm so glad I don't have to hand you my kidney. I said it from the start," Ruby said smugly. "Regina!" she yelled to the woman across the room.

Regina looked confused, said something to Belle what seemed like an apology, and walked over to Ruby and Emma. "Something wrong?"

Emma put her hand around Regina's waist and smiled. "No. I'm glad you organized this. Leo's having a lot of fun. And it's nice to see Hope relax for a moment," Emma said as she looked at her grandson and daughter.

Regina laughed and looked at Ruby. "What's going on? Why did you call me here?"

"I just wanted to say I was right one more time," Ruby said with a big grin and sipped her drink. Her eyes shifted between the two women. "And my next guess is that you two will be married within a year."

Emma and Regina exchanged a look and both laughed. "I wouldn't count on that happening any time soon," Regina said with a smile.

"We love each other, but neither of us feels like marrying again," Emma explained and Ruby raised her eyebrows and nodded slowly.

"Hmm.." she mumbled and took another sip of her drink. "I guess we'll just have to wait and see." She walked away from the couple and Regina giggled softly as she kissed Emma's cheek.

"She's totally crazy, but I love her," Regina said as she watched Ruby talk to Belle. Emma nodded agreed and laughed as she looked at Regina.

"You're amazing, did you know that?" Emma said and Regina looked at her.

She did sometimes wonder how she and Regina had ended up together, but she never regretted it. She loved waking up next to Regina, knowing Regina and loving Regina.

The woman had helped her find another purpose in life and helped her get her life back on track and she was forever grateful for that.

Regina felt the same way about Emma and that was probably what made them such a good couple. They knew each other's past and stories, but they didn't judge and were there for each other whenever they needed each other.

"Grandma, I have a new pencils," Leo said and walked up to Emma. The woman tilted him off the ground and looked at the present.

Regina smiled and gazed lovingly at Emma and her grandson. She'd never thought she'd ever love anyone as much as she loved Emma. But here she was, more in love than ever before.

The Actual End

Okay, so I heard several people saying that they wished the ending was somewhat different, as did I. I thought I didn't have any motivation for this story to continue writing, that's why this chapter isn't really good, but I hope you all still enjoyed it and liked it better than the previous one. It's really short, but let me know what you thought. Thanks for reading it and I hope you have an awesome day/night!❤️

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