Chapter 19

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"Good morning, Gina!" Robin said - way too enthusiastic for the early morning.

"Robin, what the hell are you doing here? It's like five a.m.?" Regina didn't bother trying to hide the annoyance in her voice as she walked as casually as possible to the table and sat down.

"You always get up early, I knew you'd be awake. This is rather of importance," he said and looked at Emma. "I don't know if this is very interesting for you to kno.. did you two shower together?"

Emma started walking away. "I'll leave you two to it. Can I offer you both some tea?"

"That's not necessary. Robin merely came here to talk, I assume?" Regina replied and looked questioningly at Robin.

Robin grabbed his bag from the floor and retrieved some papers. Regina watched his actions in curiosity and heard Emma closing the bedroom door.

She would've liked if Emma stayed to be part of the conversation, but she also knew that the three seconds that Emma had been present, had already been terribly awkward.

Of course, Robin immediately noticed them both having equally wet hair. It wasn't very subtle of Emma to get into the bathroom while she was, "fixing her make-up", though it was evident that she wasn't wearing any right now.

"I'm leaving for a conference in Boston in two hours, unexpectedly, but I wanted to be finished with the divorce before I left, otherwise it would take more than three days and I figured you couldn't wait that long with the bet. Though, I feel like you already broke.."

"Is that hot assistent of yours coming along? What's her name again.. oh, Marian," Regina said with a sly voice and snapped her finger when she pronounced the name.

Robin's cheeks immediately turned to a light red hue and he placed the papers in front of Regina. "The only thing that needs to be done are some signatures here.." Robin moved a page aside, "and here."

Regina glanced at the man opposite her, before she started reading everything said on the papers - careful not to miss anything.

Once she'd put her two signatures down, Robin smiled. "Once we hand these to Mr. Hopper, we're officially divorced. Can you do that, by the way, because I have to go," Robin said and Regina nodded.

"Oh, and I'm almost finished with packing up my things. I think you'll be able to move back to your house in five days. Thank you so much for letting me stay there, these past few days."

Regina smiled and shrugged. "It's not like I had much of a choice, but you're welcome. Enjoy your time in Boston, with the hot assistent," Regina teased as she organized the papers.

"Thank you," Robin said and stood up. He walked to the door and Regina followed him. Instead of opening the door, he turned to Regina. "What was that with you and Emma in the bathroom together?"

Regina didn't reply, but she just walked to her wallet and grabbed fifty dollars. She held it up and cocked her head. "No further questions," Regina said as Robin looked at the money.

"It's probably a good thing we got divorced," Robin concluded as he grabbed the fifty bucks from Regina's hand. "You're incapable of being in a normal marriage."

His words hurt Regina. She knew they were true and that was exactly the reason why her heart ached so much hearing them. Robin didn't even intend to upset her, but it cost her lots of strength to force a smile upon her lips.

"Hopefully, you'll find someone good soon. Goodbye, Robin," Regina said and opened the door for him. Once he'd stepped outside, she immediately closed the door and leaned with her head against it, with closed eyes.

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