Chapter 15

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He had always made sure he had his entire life planned out, ready to face anything that came his way, but for the first time in his life, Robin had no clue what he was supposed to do next.

He'd hoped that after a good night's rest and a full day of thinking, he'd be able to make a proper decision, but everything seemed even harder than before.

Of course, he knew that Regina had done an awful thing and that he shouldn't even think twice about continuing their marriage as it was, but he couldn't leave her. He loved her too much to spend the rest of his life divided from her.

As Robin often worked outside the town, he didn't have a lot of friends - none, to be precise. Everyone he knew was a dear friend of his wife, but he felt like talking to someone about his problems.

The first one to answer his phone calls was Baron Samdi. He'd met the man a couple of times, a while back, and though he knew that Baron was very close friends with Regina, he was the first one to agree to hang out with him, so he just went with it.

Robin was nervously waiting at the bar. Samdi had suggested to meet in the bar, though Robin could think of a million places where he'd rather meet. Yet, he didn't want to risk losing his company, so he agreed upon meeting him in the dark room, with music that was way too loud.

Apart from him there was just one group of friends present, and he understood why. There was no need for the room to be so dark, damp and simply unsettling.

He looked cautiously around, searching for the face that he hoped he'd recognize, and he saw a man making his way towards him.

"Good afternoon, Robin," Baron greeted him and sat down on the stool beside him. Robin had to admit that he barely remembered the man, except from the piercing brown eyes that made him somewhat uncomfortable. "You wanted to talk to me?"

"Yes, I hope I'm not a bother. I just really need some company at the moment," Robin said. He cleared his throat when he saw that Baron was waiting for an explanation. "Regina and I are having some.. issues. She.. I found her sharing the bed with someone else." Robin had tried to put it delicately, because he didn't really know how to act around this man.

Despite the loud music, Robin could hear Samdi sigh beside him. Then, he heard a soft chuckle escaping the man's lips. Robin didn't know what he'd expected as a reaction, but it was definitely not this.

"She can be very chaotic, I give you that. But I hadn't expected her to make such a mistake. She used to be very careful," Baron said with a slight smirk plastered across his lips.

"What are you talking about? Did you know she was cheating on me?"

Samdi pursed his lips together and nodded. "Not only did I know. I slept with her as well."

Robin was absolutely stunned to hear this news. He hadn't expected to hear this tonight, at all, and he wasn't sure whether he wanted to know this.

"Did you know she was married?" Robin asked. "I just can't understand why she'd jeopardize our marriage like that."

Baron seemed somewhat confused as he looked at the man. He'd ordered a drink, and stirred the pink straw in his tall glass as he observed the man in front of him.

"You don't?"

Robin looked offended as he shook his head. "No. Am I supposed to?"

Baron shrugged, before he started explaining. "You know Regina has a troubled past. She's still seeking ways to cope with her mental issues. Instead of going to therapy - something I've recommended her over a thousand times - she's looking for other things. As you know, alcohol didn't work out. So, she started looking for something else. You can be glad that she didn't find something that could bring her health or finances in danger. Regina loves you, that's why she married you, but she needs sex to cope with whatever is going on in her mind."

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