Chapter 16

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They both still held each other - neither woman wanting to back away from their intimate embrace. Emma cupped Regina's neck before she entangled her fingers in the woman's dark hair.

She pulled slightly away from Regina to look her in the eyes. "I'm terrified, too," Emma confessed. "My daughter is pregnant and I'm to help her raise the baby, but I'm scared. Yet, some part of me is excited as well. It's going to be tough, but it's also going to bring both me and Hope joy. I.. I think that whatever is going to happen to you will be the same."

Regina swallowed. "I'm so sorry. I've only been thinking and talking about myself and I know that you're going through many things now as well."

"That's okay. It makes me feel less lonely. And we're talking about you and your problems now, because I am your problem," Emma said softly. "I think what you have to do is think what you want with your life and have a conversation with Robin once you've decided that. The way I see it, there's two options. You either promise Robin that you'll be fully committed to him from now on. You'll honor your vows and marriage and you won't sleep with anyone else. That can be scary, like you said, but it can also be amazing, to have a working marriage."

Regina nodded slowly. Her major commitment issues crept up inside her once again and she wondered how she hadn't been too afraid to marry anyone in the first place.

"Or, you tell him you want a divorce. That can be hard and scary as well, but once you're done, you don't have to think of anyone anymore," Emma said.

To Regina, that sounded a lot less scary. But she still wasn't convinced. Robin had been her home for quite some time now, and she'd always been glad to have someone like him in her house.

"What do you think I should do?" Regina asked insecurely. She knew that whatever she'd choose, Robin had to agree with it, but if she was certain of her decision, she figured she'd be able to convince him it'd be the right thing.

Emma shrugged and smiled slightly. "If I had a chance to get back to Killian and live the rest of my life with him, I'd definitely take it," she replied.

"I get that," Regina softly replied.

"But - and I'm not saying this because you're amazing in bed - I'm not sure you and Robin will work out. I'm not trying to offend you in any way, but you never seemed too happy in your marriage. You and Robin obviously want different things in life. Robin wants to be a father and you don't, and I think that can be quite important factor in a relationship."

Regina sighed softly and closed her eyes. Deep down she knew what she had to do. If she divorced Robin, he still had an opportunity to marry someone else and start the family he always wanted. It was fair to him.

"Whatever happens, I'm here for you. You've been there for me when I needed you most and now, I'm going to be there for you when you need it the most," Emma said and smiled at her friend. "You're going to stay with me in the apartment, because your problems aren't magically poofing away when you sleep somewhere else. And we're going to have a proper conversation with Hope. I think it's important if we're both there for that."

Once Emma had cleaned up her stuff and closed the gallery, they walked home to Emma's apartment. They discussed how they were going to address the subject and they'd planned everything out when they arrived at the front door.

Hope sat at the table and looked up at her mother and teacher. She had one hand covering her stomach and one hand was holding her phone.

Emma closed the door and smiled at her daughter. "How was school today, honey?" she inquired and kissed her daughter's cheek before she took place in front of her.

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