Chapter 12

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"Regina, it feels too wrong. Ever since I talked to your husband, I've felt guilty and although I want to do this, I also don't want to do this."

Both Emma and Regina were already topless and the women were passionately making out. Regina sucked Emma's lower lip and smiled smugly at her. A smile that Emma had missed, because last time she'd seen Regina, the woman had been nothing but depressed and disappointed.

They'd had a good talk about Robin, and Regina had felt more relieved after she'd had a conversation with her dearest friend. She'd managed to leave the apartment before Hope had acknowledged her presence, but when she returned home, Robin had already left to Boston.

She'd texted him, saying that she was okay and that she hoped that he had a nice trip, and he'd replied that he was sorry and that he wished her a nice weekend as well.

The entire Saturday, Regina had planned her classes for the coming week, but on Sunday, she and Emma had contacted each other and now they were making out, but Regina had noticed from the start that something was bothering Emma.

"Emma, what I said before is still the same. Whatever is going on in my marriage, is nothing for you to worry about. You shouldn't feel guilty, because I'm the one who's wrong here. I'm the one who's being a cheater and having an affair."

Emma inhaled deeply and Regina moved her head slightly closer to the woman, almost touching her lips, but not quite yet.

"I'm not forcing you to sleep with me, it's your choice. But if there's any way I can make this more likable for you, tell me."

Regina felt Emma's breaths against her lips and the blonde shrugged. "The thing is.. every time we sleep together I feel guilty afterwards, for several reasons. But during the sex, I don't feel guilty. So, every time we've slept together I just want to have sex with you again and so the cycle continues."

Both women stayed quiet for a moment. Regina didn't want to force Emma into sleeping with her, so she moved slightly back, showing that it was all up to the blonde.

Emma sighed and frowned, before she moved closer to her friend and kissed her lips. She wrapped her arms around Regina and felt the kiss becoming more intense and heated with the second.

Regina pulled Emma from the wall and moved closer to the blonde's body, craving her warmth. Regina's tongue found Emma's strong muscle and they intertwined as she led the blonde to the bed.

She pushed Emma on the bed, but Emma immediately rolled away. "Ow.." she muttered, before she moved her hand to the spot next to her.

The curtains of Regina's bedroom were closed, so she couldn't see a lot, but Emma was sure something had been lying in the bed. Something that wasn't comfortable lying on.

"What's wrong?"

"I just.." Emma continued moving her hand, seeking the object in the bed, until she felt something. She grabbed it and, though it was rather dark, recognized a pair of handcuffs.

Regina grabbed the cuffs from her hand and threw them on the nightstand. "I was cleaning my room this morning and hadn't found a place for these yet," she quickly said and Emma couldn't suppress a smirk.

She moved higher up the bed and sat up straight, before she pulled Regina on the mattress as well. "Use them," Emma said slyly and looked defiantly at Regina.

"Oh, I don't think tha.."

"Indeed. Don't think, just do. Don't tell me the idea of me being cuffed to the bed doesn't turn you on," Emma husked and Regina cocked her head before she bit her lower lip.

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