Chapter 8

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Regina hoped she could just sneak away, without any further questions. She knew Robin didn't like the amount of time she was spending with Emma, and last night he'd been pretty upset to hear that she was spending her free Sunday morning with Emma.

She was in her kitchen, preparing a smoothie. She'd already cut up all the fruit when she realized that the blender made a lot of noise and it could wake up Robin.

So, she just hoped for the best and blended her fruit. It almost became a standard for her to visit Emma on Sundays. It was one of the few days that both she and Robin were free, so she did understand why Robin didn't like that she left so often, but Emma had become a close friend in a short amount of time.

"Good morning, honey." Regina felt two hands on her hips and stepped away, startled. She'd been lost in thought and because the blender was whirring like crazy, she hadn't heard her husband enter.

"Good morning," she replied and smiled as he wrapped his arms around her waist. Regina stopped the blender and moved away to retrieve a glass from the cupboard.

"You're up early." Regina was certain Robin remembered exactly why she'd left the bed early, but apparently he wanted to continue their discussion about the time Regina spent with Emma.

What Regina hated the most, was that Robin was in fact right to question her relationship with Emma. She was cheating on him with her and she did prefer talking to Emma over her own husband.

That was also why she didn't want to start this conversation again. Robin had explained why he wanted to spend more time with her, but she couldn't bail on Emma. So, she decided not to respond, which she saw was frustrating to Robin.

"Regina, I love you, and I love that you have friends that you love so much, but I feel like I barely see you anymore," Robin said softly. "I don't want to make it seem as if I'm not allowing you to see her, but I miss you."

"I'll be back soon, don't worry. And we spent last night together," Regina replied with a light smile and poured her smoothie from the blender in her glass, before she started drinking it. "Emma's just a good friend of mine, but she's having a rough time, so I want to help her."

Regina leaned with her back against the counter and took a sip of her smoothie. Robin nodded slowly and frowned. "I love you and I just want to spend time with you," Robin said softly. "I wished we could wake up together again, because you're always gone early in the morning."

"I'm sorry. Next time, I'll plan later in the day. I love you, too." Regina kissed his lips softly, before she continued drinking her smoothie.

Robin smiled, but cleared his throat as his face turned serious again. "I wanted to talk to you about something else."

Regina felt herself becoming slightly nervous, because she felt where this was going. Her husband scooted closer and stroked her cheekbones. He stared her lovingly in the eyes and kissed her as she set down her empty glass on the counter.

Regina glanced at the clock above the doorway and saw that she was supposed to meet Emma in ten minutes, but she knew this conversation was going to take some time.

"I love you, Regina. And I.. I want to expand our family." Robin confessed it as if he'd never said it before and Regina inhaled deeply. This was exactly the conversation she wasn't in the mood for.

"Well, we could get a dog," Regina replied and smiled at her husband before she walked away from him and started gathering her stuff.

"I actually was thinking of a child," Robin said. Regina found that it sounded as if he was choosing what to get for dinner, but she didn't feel like she was in the place to make snappy remarks.

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