Chapter 10

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"If that isn't Regina Mills, the cheating Queen of Storybrooke."

"If that isn't Baron Samdi, the Voodoo slut of Storybrooke." Regina greeted her friend and chuckled softly. She hadn't seen the man in a while and was actually excited to catch up with him.

The bartender looked strange at them as Regina took place on the stool at the bar, next to Samdi and looked at her friend.

"Any new conquests lately?" Baron sipped his drink and Regina rolled her eyes. The two often joked about their affairs and Regina had to admit it was fun to meet with someone who was even more screwed up than she.

"Oh, don't call them conquests. They're human. Just like us," Regina said, with a serious tone. She eyed Samdi and looked defiantly at him.

"So, you met someone you like? Someone more than a "conquest"? Robin's going to love that," The man concluded and laughed. "Though I bet no one is better than me, right?"

Regina scoffed and chuckled as she glanced at the man's hand that was lying on top of hers. "You're being delusional," Regina said with an eye roll and ordered a drink.

"I haven't seen you in a while, though. You have to admit we've had some good times," Baron said with a seductive voice and trailed his hand up Regina's arm. Regina forcefully moved his hand away and smirked at him.

"Those days are over, I'm sorry, hon."

"So you did meet someone." The bartender put a mocktail in front of Regina and she sipped the drink before she replied to her friend.

Ever since she and Emma started talking, Regina hadn't felt the need to sleep with anyone but Emma. Regina didn't really know why that was - usually she didn't care how many lovers she had at once - but it felt wrong to share the bed with anyone but Emma. It even felt more natural to sleep with Emma than with Robin, but she did love her husband.

It had been a week since she and Emma had last slept together and had shared one of the most intimate moments of their life.

Eventually, they'd almost been caught by Robin. Both women had lost complete track of time and when Regina had received a text of Robin, saying he was to arrive home in ten minutes, both women had started panicking.

Fortunately for them, everything worked out fine and no one was caught. Robin had questioned why the bed had been such a mess, though he'd made it earlier that day, and he'd noticed a smell in the bedroom, but Regina had come up with simple lies that hid her sins.

"It's just this girl. She's cool and does what I like, so.."

Samdi nodded slowly as he observed his friend. "So, let me get this straight.."

"Well, you can try. It's me with a girl so-"

"You've cheated countless of times on your husband," the man interrupted and Regina nodded. She wasn't proud of it, but there was no point in lying to her friend. A friend with whom she'd slept many times as well.

"That's correct."

"And now you have a lover - a mistress?"

Regina nodded again.

"And you're okay with cheating on your husband, but you don't want to cheat on your mistress?"

The way Samdi put it, made her realize again just how weird that was. Aside from the fact that she knew it was horrible - her entire way of living - she didn't quite understand why she felt appalled to the idea of sleeping with anyone but Emma.

"Well.. I.. she's... I don't like this question," Regina replied and looked guilty at her friend. She sipped her drink as they stayed quiet for a moment. Samdi observing his friend and Regina regretting all her life choices.

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