Chapter 13

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About thirty minutes earlier...

The ice cold glare he was shooting at Regina was one that she hadn't ever seen before. Robin didn't take his eyes off Regina, as the woman took place opposite him on the couch.

She tried to keep her regal posture, but for the first time since Robin had walked inside the room with her and Emma, she genuinely felt bad.

"I kept wondering what I was doing wrong. What the reason was that you kept drifting away. Why you refused to even talk to me about adding a member to our family. But not once had the thought of you cheating on me crossed my mind."

Robin was always easy to read, Regina loved that about her husband. She always knew what to expect with him, except for now. She had no absolute clue what was going to happen and that bothered her.

It kept quiet in the room and they both just looked at each other. Regina knew that Robin wanted her to say something, but she didn't know what to say. It was up to Robin what was going to happen next.

"The meeting was cancelled and I thought, I'm going home to surprise my wife. Why the hell did I find you fucking a woman in our bed?!" Robin raised his voice and Regina finally saw an emotion on his face. A flicker of pure anger was visible and Regina straightened her posture.

"Because you were early. If you'd arrived later, you wouldn't have found me with anyone in our bed," Regina replied and when she saw the anger returning on Robin's face. "I really planned on telling you, but I didn't know how. I wanted you to know, but.."

"So, you're confirming this wasn't a one time thing?" Robin asked and slumped in his seat. He still kept his eyes on Regina and gritted his teeth.

"Yes, I am," Regina said, and she was surprised that Robin didn't seem extremely angry yet. She'd never seen him really angry, but she figured he must feel furious right now.

"How long?" Robin asked softly and averted his eyes from Regina. He clenched his jaw as he stared at the coffee table in front of him.

Regina sighed softly and shrugged. "I don't know. A while," she replied.

"But like, days or weeks?"

"Years," Regina said and Robin immediately looked at her. He slammed his fist against the armrest and stood up. He started pacing in the room as Regina stood up as well.

"There have been others?!" Robin had raised his voice and shot angry glares at his wife.


"How could you do that to me?! To our marriage!? You've been keeping this from me since when? Before we were even married?!!" Robin walked right at Regina and for the first time in their marriage, Regina saw pure anger on his face. None like the short expressions she'd seen before in their conversation, but pure anger and hatred in Robin's eyes.

"You don't even seem to give a fucking shit!" Robin continued screaming and he raised his hand. Right when his hand was about to touch Regina's cheeks, she grabbed his wrist tightly with her hand.

"We're not going to get physical. Save that for the bedroom. I know I don't seem to care, but I do. I love you, Robin," Regina said in all honesty. She released her husband's wrist after she'd lowered his arm.

Regina wanted to cup his cheeks, but Robin was quick to reject her touch. "Don't you think we're able to work through this? We worked for the past two years, why should it be any different now?"

As soon as the words had left Regina's mouth, she knew that it was a dumb move. Of course, things were going to change and she had to accept that, but she didn't want to throw her marriage with Robin away. She loved the man and although she didn't know why or how, she couldn't imagine a life without him.

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