Chapter 7

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"The bus boycott all started when Rosa Parks.."

Hope stood up and hastily left the classroom, without saying anything. Regina looked confused at the door that was slammed shut and her eyes drifted to the empty spot where Hope was just sitting.

"Uh, everybody, please start reading the first paragraph on page 63, about segregation. I will be right back." Regina waited for a moment to see if everyone actually started reading, before she left the classroom.

She had Hope's class twice a week, both times were first period. This had been the third time in two weeks that Hope had left the classroom abruptly, and Regina was starting to get really worried about the blonde girl.

The first two times, she'd sent one of Hope's friends after her, but now she wanted to have a talk with Hope herself, because this was strange behavior.

She guessed Hope was in the girls' bathroom, so she walked towards the small room, and immediately noticed Hope. The girl was washing her mouth and when Regina entered, she was popping several Smints in her mouth.

"Mrs. Mills, hi," she greeted the teacher, overly enthusiastic, but Regina didn't buy it. Hope looked pale and had dark circles under her eyes. She smelled like mint now, but Regina knew that was to cover something up.

"What is going on?" Regina didn't sound angry or stern, but genuinely caring. She barely spoke that nice to students, but she was worried about Hope. Not because she was Emma's daughter, but because of how she appeared.

"I just really had to go to the bathroom, but I'm alright. Sorry for interrupting your class, I didn't mean to disturb you."

Hope smiled briefly at her teacher - Regina was well aware that it was a fake smile - and wanted to walk past her, but Regina cleared her throat.

"Miss Jones, this is the third time this week that you run off in the middle of the class. At this point it isn't just a bother anymore, it's concerning. You are going to tell me why you're running off to the bathroom, or I'll have to inform the head of the school, who will contact your mom."

Hope stepped back and her eyes widened. She really wasn't in the mood for trouble. The school had called her mom many times in the past months already and she didn't want them to contact Emma again.

Especially not if her fears were truth.

"I.. I cannot tell you," Hope confessed softly.

"Why is that?" Regina sounded somewhat compassionate, but still demanding. The students were still alone in the classroom, so she didn't have much time. But she did want to know what was going on with Hope.

"Because you're friends with my mom and I'm afraid," Hope said. She leaned against the wall and closed her eyes.

"Emma and I never talk about you. Everything that happens at school with you is none of your mom's business, just like it's none of my business what you do at home. I'm worried about you, Hope. And if there's a problem you don't want to share with your mother, maybe I can help you."

It was the first time Regina had called a student by their first name in their presence, but she didn't regret it. She wanted Hope to know that she was to be trusted.

Hope opened her eyes and looked at her. "You have to promise me that you won't tell my mom about this."

Regina nodded slowly. "I promise."

"I've been feeling nauseous every morning for like two weeks now, I just vomited.. and I.. uh.. I've missed my period," Hope said and swallowed thickly. "I think I might be pregnant."

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