𝘰𝘯𝘦 - 𝘧𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘩𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬

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[edited version]

You watched as your family was being slaughtered by a demon

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You watched as your family was being slaughtered by a demon. You weren't strong enough to protect yourself and your family. You watched as the demon ruthlessly tore your mother, father, older brother, and younger sister apart with no mercy. You managed to escape your house and ran into the woods - which you knew was a bad idea. As you were running, unaware of your surroundings, you tripped on a root that was peaking out of the soil. The sudden sound that was produced from your fall caught the attention of something or someone. You started to hear the sounds of leaves ruffling and rapid movement which sounded like something was running.

'Oh no, this is really bad.' You kept repeating those very words in your head as you tried to stand up and run away from what was chasing you. You forced yourself to stand up even if the stinging pain from your knee was stopping you. You ran as far as you could but you can hear the sound getting closer and closer. 'I don't want to die, I don't want to die.' You repeatedly said to yourself in your mind like a broken record. Suddenly, the sound approaching you stopped and you fell back on the ground again. You suddenly heard another sound, it sounded something like a sword or something sharp going through some flesh - that was what you thought at least.

You grunted in pain as you tried to stand up once more because you heard someone walking in your direction. "Please go away from me!" You managed to raise your voice to whoever was trying to follow you. 'I don't want to die,' You said to yourself again, 'I need to avenge my family!' This pumped you up and you managed to push yourself to walk further. "Is anybody there?" A voice asked. After hearing what you assumed was a human (man) voice, you suddenly felt safe. You fell onto the ground once more knowing that there was a person who was out there (and also saved you).

"I'm here." You managed to speak. You were exhausted but luck was on your side since now, a person was trying to save you. You hear the footsteps getting closer and closer, and suddenly, you see a somewhat tall man standing in front of your pitiful figure. "Hey, are you okay?" The man asked with a somewhat loud voice. 'Geez, this guy's loud-ass voice is making my ears ring.' You thought as you placed your hand on one of your ears. You shifted your attention from the pain in your knee to the really loud guy who was standing in front of you.

The man was standing tall with pride and he had a sword with him. The guard of his sword looked or resembled a flame, he also wore a flame haori and had stunning hair. "Hello! I am Kyojuro Rengoku and I am from the Demon Slayer corps!" He loudly said. You squinted your eyes, your vision suddenly went blurry.

[ no one's POV ]

y/n suddenly fainted and this caught Rengoku off guard. He sighed as gently picked up her body and carried her in bridal style to the butterfly mansion so that she could get treated.

Rengoku walked until he reached the Butterfly mansion, "Kocho, are you there?" He raised his voice to be heard. Suddenly, a small woman with a butterfly clip appeared. "Oh my~ what do we have here?" She asked as she approached the flame Hashira who was gently holding y/n's dead-like body. Shinobu eventually signed Rengoku to follow her. She led him into a room and ordered him to lay her on one of the mattresses. "Thank you Rengoku. Please stay here as I gather some medications for her." She said then proceeded to walk out of the room, leaving him and the girl alone.

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