𝘧𝘪𝘷𝘦 - 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨

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[ old version - still needs editing]

Sanemi made his way to the butterfly mansion and called on Shinobu

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Sanemi made his way to the butterfly mansion and called on Shinobu. Yet, when he reached the mansion, he was greeted by Aoi instead of the petite woman. "Shinazugawa-san." Aoi shrieked in somewhat fear (IDK if that made sense lol). Sanemi handed (y/n)'s dead-like body to Aoi and head off the mansion.

"Why does she seem so familiar?"


Aoi was holding (y/n)'s body while struggling to slide the door open, she then managed to open and placed her body gently onto the bed. "Ah, what happened to (y/n), I need to send a message to Rengoku-san, or," Aoi tapped her foot repeatedly on the floor while thinking what to do with (y/n), "I'll wait for Shinobu to come home."

For now, Aoi treated (y/n)'s visible wounds, gently wiping the dirt off her face and bandaging her callused hands. "I think this should do for now, (y/n) if you do hear me, I'll be off, just call me when you need anything." Aoi twisted the rag she used to wipe (y/n)'s face and sweetly smiled before leaving.

The moment Aoi stepped out of (y/n)'s room, she was greeted by a man with hair that was gold and had red tips. Kyojuro Rengoku, the flame hashira. "How's (y/n)?" he tried to ask in the most silent tone he can do, "I think she's doing fine, I can't really attend much on her because I feel like Shinobu should be the one attending to her and not me, but one thing I know is that she might need rehabilitation training." Rengoku proceeded to nod his head and hummed in response.

"Who brought her in though?" The flame hashira asked in curiosity. "Oh," Aoi squeaked, "Shinazugawa-san brought her in. From what I heard, her Kasugai crow delivered her the wrong mission. The mission that (y/n) received was supposed to be for Shinazugawa-san but I think her Kasugai crow got mixed up or confused and delivered Shinazugawa-san's mission to (y/n)." Aoi sighed in frustration and crossed her arms. "Ah, I see..." Rengoku tapped his finger on his chin then gave a flashy smile, "Well, thank you for taking care of her! I'll check on her right now if that's okay." Aoi nodded and walked down the hallway.

Rengoku gently placed his hand on the doorknob and gently slid the door open. He sighed in relief to see that (y/n) were still one piece, technically and still breathing. He gently slid the door closed and stayed by (y/n)'s bedside. "Broken ribs, also, her arms were badly injured, her head was slightly patched up, I see I see..." Rengoku stopped talking to himself as he saw (y/n) furrow her eyebrows.

[Rengoku POV]

As I sit by (y/n)'s bedside and reading her log, I see her furrowing her eyebrows. I move my attention from her log to her. I watched her as her eyes slowly flutter open and help her sit up. "Actually," I realized that she shouldn't sit up because she isn't fully treated, "don't sit up, (y/n)." (y/n) gave me a somewhat pissed-off face and still insisted and sat up. I saw her hiss in pain and placed her hand on her side. "I thought I was treated." she sighed as she laid back down. "Aoi was the one who treated you, she can't do much. You still have untouched injuries so try not to move that much." (y/n) pouted and faced the opposite direction from where I was seated.

Something was up with (y/n)'s attitude, maybe because she isn't used to losing in terms of competition. "(y/n)?" she turned in my direction. "Yes, Rengoku-sama?" I let out a sigh and smiled at her, "Have you ever experienced loss like, in terms of an argument or a battle?" It was kind of a dumb question to ask her because she did experience loss. Loss of her family. (y/n) blankly stared at me for a while, probably thinking what to say. "I guess you can say I have, but I don't want to feel it again."

It was quiet between us. As her mentor, I had to do my role and teach her the ways of life. (y/n) is quite arrogant and maybe boastful. Her pride is high but deep down I know she thinks she's weak. We all have weaknesses even I have too. "(y/n), I know the feeling of losing isn't satisfying. But, without losing, we won't be able to learn. We won't be able to feel the feeling of when you lose. You won't feel getting pumped up or motivated to do better." I gently smiled at (y/n) as Aoi slowly slid the door open.

"Rengoku-san, (y/n)," the petite girl said, "someone is here to visit." she slid the door opened to reveal Shinazugawa-san, the wind hashira. I stood up and crossed my arms and beamed him a smile, "Hello Shinazugawa-san!" I saw at the corner of my eye (y/n) trying to keep herself together from laughing.

I turned in her direction and asked her if she remembered him. She nodded while Shinazugawa watched us in confusion. "Oi, what are you two talking about?"

"(y/n), this is Sanemi Shinazugawa, the Wind Hashira. Shinazugawa-san, this is (y/n) (l/n), my tsuguko." I paused, "Shinazugawa-san, (y/n) here recognizes you because this isn't the first time she encountered you."

[no one POV]

(y/n) moved a bit on her bed to get a better view of the tall, scar-filled man. 'I remember him just like last time.' she thought to herself as she tried to sit up again, which obviously wasn't a good idea. While (y/n) was busy trying to sit up, she can hear the two men loudly talking.

"Hey what the fuck is going on, fill me in please because it's creepy how this short-ass knows me already."

"Calm down Shinazugawa-san, you're speaking too loud you might disturb (y/n) or even other patients here." Rengoku nervously smiled while Sanemi started getting mad.

"When I was brought in by Rengoku-sama, you were also brought in at the same time. You were unconscious so you didn't know what happened." (y/n) paused as she saw Sanemi changed his glare from Rengoku to her. "Apparently they made us share the same room since I said it was fine. That was the first time I saw you. I was just attacked by a demon and my entire family was slaughtered."

"I don't remember that." He sternly said. "But," he paused, "I remember a couple of conversations...I also remember hearing your name and also something about sharing rooms."

Suddenly, (y/n)'s cheeks flushed out of embarrassment? "Well!" Rengoku broke the silence between the two, "Now that's done, Shinazugawa-san, (y/n), I have to go. Shinazugawa-san you're coming with me. We have to leave (y/n) alone because she needs her rest. Kocho-san might get mad also, she isn't 100% treated."

"Hehe, alright." (y/n) said in a somewhat flustered way, "See you later, Rengoku-sama..." she remained quiet, "nice to also finally meet you, Sanemi." she stooped her head to hide the embarrassment from the two men.

Finally, both Flam and Wind Hashira left the room. (y/n) threw herself down to the bed, again, was a bad idea and let out a heavy sigh. She raised her arms and stared at her hands. "UH!" she groaned, slamming her hands onto her face. "What the fuck was that?!"

 "What the fuck was that?!"

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Oop that was a slow-ass update, sorry about that. Anyways, if any of y'all are wondering, yes, this part will have a Part 2. I didn't want to make this chapter way too long so I decided to split it. Also, this book is on Hiatus. I seriously need to take down notes for each chapter because I tend to forget things. So, this book might be back in a week or so. If you made it this far, tysm and stay safe always! (As always, I didn't proofread this. Sorry for the mistakes).

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