𝘵𝘦𝘯 - 𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘬𝘪

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[ old version - still needs editing]

"Hey Sanemi, why did you join the corps?"

"Hey Sanemi, why did you join the corps?"

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The celebration was finally over. To be honest I was really tired because I just came back from a mission. Shinobu hasn't come back yet and Sanemi...he never answered my question. "y/n!" Someone called. "Oh, hello Rengoku! Do you need anything?" I asked as I watched him scratch the back of his neck. "Just to be honest, I forgot it was your birthday. Shinobu was the one who reminded."

"I'm not even surprised." I crossed my arms and laughed at my teacher. "Anyways, happy 20th birthday y/n." He hugged me but I didn't hug him back. "Uh Rengoku, I'm not 20..." I held my laugh. I was literally about to explode from his mistake, "Rengoku I just turned 19 why are you saying I'm already 20." His entire face became red from embarrassment. "I'm sorry y/n." He laughed while face-palming himself.

"I'm back~" Shinobu cooed and I saw Shiki behind her with a muzzle on her mouth. I smiled and waved at her, "Hi Shiki!" She turned her attention to me and waved in return. "y/n", Shinobu called my attention and I hummed in response, "I've sent a crow over to the master. By chance, there might be a possible Hashira meeting and you'll have to attend since you're the one who found Shiki. Is that okay?"

"Of course it is." I answered. "For now, Shiki will be under my care and will be staying in a special room in the butterfly mansion."

"What's going on?" Rengoku questioned. I looked at him forgot that I didn't tell him what happened during my mission. "No worries, it'll be explained maybe around tomorrow when the master calls all of us, including y/n for a meeting." Shinobu gave us a closed-eye smile and Rengoku hummed in response.

~ ~ ~

Everyone packed away and left the butterfly mansion. Mitsuri took some food and left and Sanemi just left without saying goodbye. I stayed behind because I was really tired from my mission and Rengoku stayed with me. "Ne, Rengoku, why was Sanemi here? Mitsuri being here was reasonable but why him? And why?"

"I honestly don't know why either. But they said something about you and Sanemi." He laughed and crossed his arms. "What was it?" I asked.

"That, that I won't be telling. I'm not in the place to tell. And also, drop the formality already, I've known you for four years, please call me by my first name." He flashed his iconic hearty smile to me. Did he just tell me that I can call him by his first name? I blushed at his request and softly punched him.

"Also, y/n, are you still tired? I could just carry you on my back on the way home." He offered. I nodded my head and he helped me up and carried me on his back. I leaned my head at the crook of his neck and closed my eyes. The feeling of his soft yellow hair on my face felt good. I heard him hum and that was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep while Kyojuro was carrying me on his back.

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