𝘴𝘪𝘹 - 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘵. 2

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[ old version - still needs editing]

I have a quick note to say before I start with this chapter. So please take the time to read this:

I've been quite lazy to update any of my works, something is happening to me and I don't know. I won't be abandoning this book though, but, it'll have slow updates. After I publish this chapter, it might go on hiatus for a week or more because I need to take down notes and I guess plan more seriously? Also, I might change my writing style because it kinda seems off IMO 💀 I might make everything in (y/n)'s POV then just mention if it someone else's POV or something like that IDK IF IT MAKES SENSE 💀💀. I hope none of y'all get confused by this sudden change, it's just that this is actually my first time writing an X Reader TwT.

Another thing, (y/n) is actually a bitch and she's really bitchy. No worries, everything will become better 😊.

- time skip after Shinobu properly treated you -

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- time skip after Shinobu properly treated you -

"Hello y/n, how are you feeling?" I heard the door slide open then turned to see Shinobu with a tray of...the shitty medicine I hate. I sat up with a disappointed look on my face, knowing that I had to take that crap. "I'm doing fine I guess, my side still hurts but it feels better than when I was brought in." I told her. The woman sweetly smiled and me and apologized for not being able to attend to me immediately. "You know y/n," she said while handing me the cup of medicine, "you're lucky that Aoi was here to patch you up!" I blankly stared at Shinobu while turning my attention from her to the cup I was holding. "This is for my own good." I whispered to myself while forcing down the thick, green, and icky liquid down my throat. To be honest, I've been intaking this for quite some time now so I'm actually kind of used to it. "Thank you, Shinobu." I nervously giggled and she smiled at me. 'I wonder if her smile is real.'

"Anyways, y/n," I hummed in response, "Rengoku will be visiting you later. He'll mentally prepare you for the rehabilitation training." Shinobu said and slid the door shut, leaving me alone. I sighed while gently lay down on my bed.


I honestly couldn't stop thinking about that "sAneMi" guy. He seems quite interesting. I want to know why he's so aggressive and why he always seems so mad. I shifted my position on the bed, facing another empty bed. "This is so depressing." I sighed while I tried to fall asleep.

Around 5 minutes passed from when I attempted to fall asleep, I heard the door gently slide open. "What the fu-" I should stop swearing, "Who is it?" I did my best to sound tired so whoever entered the room would get the idea and leave me alone. "Big sis?" I recognized the voice and immediately sat up on the bed. "Senjuro?!" He ran up to me while I opened my arms, inviting him to return the hug I was offering him. "I missed you, big sis!" The mini Rengoku said. Suddenly I spotted Rengoku leaning by the frame of the door. I sweetly smiled at him while I turned my attention back to Senjuro. I ruffled his golden locks, "How's the old man doing?" Senjuro slowly pulled away from the hug and stood by my bedside, "I guess we can say he's doing fine." We were both suddenly interrupted by Rengoku clearing his throat. "Senjuro, may I have a word with y/n first?" He sweetly smiled at his little brother and Senjuro nodded in reply. "y/n." Rengoku said in a serious tone, "Shinazugawa will be visiting you later so prepare yourself. Also, please get along." He smiled while scratching his nape. 'Bruh I-I'm sorry what.' I stared at him until Senjuro spoke up to get my attention. "U-Uhm sure yeah, I think I can get along with him."

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