𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘳 - 𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘢𝘤𝘬

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[ old version - still needs editing]

[ old version - still needs editing]

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"Good morning." (Y/n) said to herself as she sat up and rubbed her eyes. The first thing she saw was Haruki and Hoshi cuddling. She smirked at the sight and decided to get on with the day. The moment she stepped out of the room, she immediately geared up. Fixing her nichirin blade and its case and putting on her (f/c) haori. "I need to slay this demon." She said to herself, controlling her breaths. "Good morning." Haruki greeted alongside Hoshi. "Good morning." (y/n) smirked. "Ne, (y/n)-san, why are you smirking like that?" Hoshi asked out of curiosity. "Nothing much, just the way I saw both of you when I woke up." She grinned mischievously. Hoshi's cheeks were tinged with pink while Haruki cleared his throat. "(y/n)-san, that was nothing." Haruki sternly said. "Oh well, if you say so Haruki-san, Hoshi-san." (y/n) said, drawing her nichirin blade from its casing and pointing it somewhere. "Haruki-kun," Hoshi nudged him, "I'll prepare breakfast, care to help me?" Haruki hummed in response and said goodbye to (y/n).

'I don't know why but Hoshi is kind of suspicious.' (y/n) thought to herself while swinging her sword. 'I should avoid thinking of her that way, she's been helping me ever since I bumped into Haruki.' she swung her sword harder and harder. After around 30 minutes, Hoshi called her to come inside to eat breakfast before they proceeded with their plan to take down the demon ruling over their village.


"We wait until nighttime, it's settled. But we leave before the sun sets." (y/n) sternly said, banging on the table for an unknown reason. "That's a good idea," Haruki added, "since there aren't many demons around this area, we wouldn't have to worry much about it."

"You think the plan is gonna work?" Hoshi asked both (y/n) and Haruki. "We won't know unless we try." (y/n) said while standing up to look out at the window. It was almost dark, which means, it's almost time for them to move out of the hut.

"(y/n)-san should I pack some food and water up?" Hoshi asked while grabbing a cloth back. "Sure." She sternly replied. "Also," (y/n) added, "do you have an extra bag for me to put my haori and sword, or do you have a cloak I can use to cover my uniform?" Hoshi scrambled around the hut, "I don't think I have but I have this random cloth and I think you can use it." She smiled bubbly. "Hand it over. Prepare to leave, Hoshi-san, Haruki-san." (y/n) draped the cloth over her, hiding her nichrin blade as much as possible. Hoshi started to pack away while Haruki was helping her. "Give me the cups, I'll put it on the sink." Haruki said while signaling Hoshi to give him the cups. "It's okay Haruki-kun, I can do this myself." Hoshi's cheeks flushed with pink. "Oi, both of you, quit flirting. We have to get moving while there's still light." (y/n) coldly glared at them which made both of them gulp in nervousness, 'It's like she's gonna kill us.' Both Hoshi and Haruki thought. "Eheh, sorry (y/n)-san." Hoshi apologized and stood up.

(y/n) glared at them again and left the hut with no words. 'I'm ready to bring this demon down. Right here and right now.' She gripped on the cloth and spat on the soil. "Eh, (y/n)-san, are you okay?" Haruki asked the tensed up demon slayer. "I'm fine. I'm just pumped up." She paused, "Are y'all ready to go?" Hoshi and Haruki nodded their heads and started their journey back to the village.

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