𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘦 - 𝘣𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘩𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘱𝘵. 2

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[ old version - still needs editing]

Okay hello!! Quick note: I actually can't believe that I'm going somewhere in this fanfic. It's actually quite messy in my opinion. I've decided that it won't actually follow the main Demon Slayer timeline but I'll still make references and stuff. Apologies for the messiness and thank you all for the love and the support I've been getting in this fanfic! I've nearly discontinued this fanfic like 3 times but luckily I didn't! Anyways, back to the story...

 Apologies for the messiness and thank you all for the love and the support I've been getting in this fanfic! I've nearly discontinued this fanfic like 3 times but luckily I didn't! Anyways, back to the story

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"Well then, that's going to keep y/n away from us, then this is indeed the perfect time to plan!"

~ ~ ~

"Thank the gods that the mission was what was said." I sighed while wiping my forehead with my arm. I was assigned to go in some terribly lit forest where passers-by rumored that there was a demon or even demons lurking around.

It was around afternoon, I decided to scout the place once more before I leave. I felt a presence around me, like eyes were staring at me from a distance. Someone was probably watching me. I heard the sounds of leaves ruffling, "Hello?" I questioned, raising my voice so that I was heard.

I got no response.

I scouted the area more, shivers travel down my spine when I hear the sound of ruffling leaves - as if someone was running away from something.

"Don't come near me." I heard a voice, it sounded like it belonged to a little girl. I gripped my sword and kept my guard up. I went closer to where I heard the voice. I was surprised at what I saw, it was a she-demon who was apparently hiding from me. She looked like a young child and she looks like she doesn't even know what's going on.

"I said," she spoke, "don't come near me." I stared at her for a while, she looks like the type of person who'd threaten me but actually not do it. "I'll kill you if you come any closer." She said. 'I knew it.' I scoffed at her statement. "Alright alright, I'm gonna take a step back. Avoid the sun." I said while proceeding to take a step back. She may be a demon but she looks harmless.

"Aren't you gonna kill me or something?" She mumbled as she slowly went out from her hiding spot. "Uh, you told me to just step back. I also don't really have the intent to slice your head off your shoulders because despite you being a demonette, you look and feel harmless."

"But I'm still a demon, and isn't that your job?"

"Yeah it's my job but - wait why do you sound like you're asking for it?" After I said that, she didn't respond anymore.

"My family was slaughtered by a demon and I want to seek revenge for my family, but, I was turned into a demon. Despite me being a demon, I've never felt hunger for any human being. I didn't even feast on the remains of my family. I don't even have the urge to eat you right now. All I want is revenge. Revenge for my family and other families who were devoured by demons." She stooped her head down. Damn, she said a lot. I wasn't expecting that much from her, but I never knew such a demon like her and Kamado's little sister exist.

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