Chapter 13

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As soon as Michael pulled into the school parking lot, I knew today was going to suck. Ashton was standing right in front of the entrance waiting for me. And he looked absolutely pissed.

"Hey, Michael, what would you say if I asked you to skip one more day?" I half-pleaded, knowing it was a waste of time.

"J, you are going to have to face him sooner or later so it might as well be now. Plus, we can't miss another day or the principal will call our parents." He reasoned. I knew he was right, unfortunately. So, I sulked out of the car, slamming the door. Michael gave me a look telling me to suck it up.

"Jaelyn!" Ashton yelled across the lot as soon as he saw me. Ugh. I wish today was over and its barely begun. When I reach Ashton he grabs my arm and yanks me away from Michael.

"See you in English!" I wave at Michael. He looks at me and nods as if to say good luck. "Hey Ash." I look down.

"Yeah whatever. Where were you yesterday? Were you with Michael? What did you do with him?" He fires a million questions at me.

"Slow down! I wasn't feeling too well yesterday and Michael came over to take care of me. All we did was watch movies and stuff." I lie, hoping it was convincing enough. Ashton stays silent, probably trying to decide if he should believe me or not. I guess he approved of my excuse as he slowly nods.

"Oh ok. Well, why didn't you tell me you were sick? I was calling and texting you all day." Which was true. I had at least 10 missed calls from him and about 40 messages. He leads me into the school and down the hallway.

"If it isn't obvious, I'm still a little upset about the other day. Actually, a lot upset." He is so stupid. He thinks everything can be normal again right after I catch him with someone else.

"Jaelyn, please, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean too. It was a stupid mistake ad I'm so sorry." I shake my head at his response.

"Liar." I whisper under my breath.

"What did you say?" He stops walking causing to run into him. He drops my arm waiting for a response.

"I said..." I had a decision to make here. Both with very different consequences. I could tell the truth or lie like I usually do. "I said, liar." My voice rising a little in the crowded hallway.

"Liar? You called me a liar?" His voice rising more than mine.

"Yes, I called you a liar because you just bullshitted that whole apology. You don't mean a word of it, just like everytime. You're not sorry you did it, you are sorry that I caught you." I said, on the verge of yelling.

"What did you just say to me? You know better than to talk like that to me!" Now he was actually yelling and people were turning to stare at us. Hoping to catch a glimpse of the so-called "it" couple fighting. I laughed at his controlling nature.

"Oh my god Ashton. Really? You do not control me. At all. I can say whatever I want to say to you, especially if it happens to be the truth. Now, if you will excuse me, I have to get to class." I start to walk away.

"Is this about Michael? Did he tell you to say those things? Are you sleeping with him?" He shouts very loudly across the now silent hallway since everyone was watching us.

I spin around and quickly walk back to him, filled with uncontrollable anger. I stare at him, my face turning bright red with both anger and jealousy. It was taking all I had not to completely go off on him right there in school. I get right up in his face and whisper through my teeth, "I hate you."

His face drops into surprise, his mouth hanging open. Leaving him like that, I turn back around to go to my English class. I'm going the wrong way but I'll find my way.

10 minutes later I finally fall into my seat next to behind Michael and across from Calum. Calum. I completely forgot he was in this class. He waves at me awkwardly when I sit down.

"Hey Jaelyn." He blushes. "Everyone is talking about the fight between you and Ashton this morning. Is everything ok?" Despite him being a player, he was actually a really sweet guy. You couldn't help but like him.

"Um, no, actually everything is not alright but thanks for asking." I answer. I can't believe the gossip about the fight is spreading already.

"Oh ok. Is it true you and Michael are, uh, together?"He blushes again. I hide my face in my hands.

"No its not true. Sorry to disappoint." I shake my head, laughing awkwardly. Calum turns to face the front as the teacher, Mr. Wood comes in. Michael turns his head and smirks, letting me know he just heard that entire conversation. Great.

"Ok so your assignment for today is to get with a partner and write a paragraph about what you would do if you could do anything you wanted regardless of cost or any limitations.." He sits down and starts playing games on his computer. He is such a lazy teacher. Every class he will literally tell you to write a paragraph about something and then he will give us all 100s.Which is why his class is everyones favorite.

Michael moves his desk around to face mine. "Hey" He smiles.

"Hey." I say as I grab a piece of paper and a pencil. I start writing because I already know the answer, I've been thinking about this for a long time. Michael looks at my quickly moving hand.

"Wow, I guess you have a lot on your mind." He says, gesturing towards my growing paragraph.

"Uh, yeah." I say shyly.

"So are you breaking up with Ash today? You guys got into that huge argument."

"I honestly don't know. We'll see how it goes." Michael gives me an unbelieving look. He doesn't have to believe me but I really didn't know when I was going to break up with Ashton. He shakes his head and I could tell he was getting angry.

"Don't get pissed at me, Michael. You don't understand." He didn't. He doesn't know what Ashton does to me when no one is looking. Hopefully he will never find out.

"Sorry its just that you are being so stupid about this. Just break up with him and get it over with." He was unbelievable.

"Just shut up Michael. You have no idea whats going on so you have no right to say that."

He looks at me, anger obvious in his eyes. Instead of answering, he just turns his desk back around so he isn't facing me anymore. Whatever. I don't even want to talk to him right now anyway.

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