Chapter 9

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Jaelyn's POV:

For the first couple of hours after Michael left, I didn't do much. I picked up the house a little bit and watched Netflix. Even though I was trying to keep busy, I kept thinking about Michael.

Even though I should be freaked out that my best friend kissed me, I'm not. This morning, seeing Michael again made me realize that I didn't regret that kiss. It felt different than when I'm with Ashton. It was better and so much more amazing. I wanted it to happen again.

I needed to talk to Michael. I grabbed my phone to text him and ask him to come over when someone knocked at the door. I jumped up hoping to see Michael behind the door but it was Adley.

"Geez sorry that I came to see how you were doing." Adley said as she let herself in. My disappoint must have shown.

"Oh sorry. I was just expecting someone else." I apologized.

"Ashton? Yeah, well I doubt he will be coming over anytime soon." She walks into the kitchen and helps herself to some food.

"What do you mean? He's pissed at me, isn't he? Oh no, this isn't good, Adley. He's going to kill me." I start panicking.

"No," She gives me a weird look before continuing,"He's in the hospital."

"He's in the hospital? Oh my God! I have to go!"

"Jaelyn, just wait. He's going home in like, 30 minutes. There's no use in going to see him. His parents took him in this morning because he kept complaining about a headache. But yeah, Michael really hurt him last night. He has a concussion." She explains.

I didn't think it was that serious.  But Michael hurt him enough to put him in the hospital.

"Wait, how do you know all this?" I asked, curious as to how she knows more about my boyfriend's condition than I did.

"He told Calum and Calum told Luke. Then Luke told me" She paused taking a bite of the poptart she took from my pantry. "So what exactly happened last night? I missed what went down before the fight."

"Um, nothing. Michael was just really drunk so I guess he decided to hit Ashton."

She stared at me, not believing the lie I just told her. "Ok, well, have you talked to Michael since last night?"

"No." I said too quickly. "I mean, he tried calling me a few times but I'm ignoring him." I said, continuing to lie.

"Hm. Anyway, what do you want to do today?" She said changing the subject.

"I'm actually going to go see Ashton.I probably need to check on him and be a good girlfriend." I laugh. Adley nods and I head upstairs to get ready.


About an hour later, I was pulling into Ashton's driveway. I parked and got out to head to his door. I knocked about 5 times and he wasn't answering. He was probably sleeping to rest his head. So I let myself in with the key he gave me a few months ago.

Everything was quiet in the house. "Ashton!" I yell, hoping for a reply. But there was only the empty sound of silence. I run downstairs to his room and find the door shut. "Ashton" I say quietly and knock on the door. Still no answer.

I decide to just walk in in case he is sleeping. But when I open the door, I immediately slam it and run back upstairs.

I hear Ashton running after me, "Jaelyn! Wait! Please!" He yells.

"What Ashton? What do you want? I come here to check on you because Adley told me you had a concussion. But I walk in here to see you in bed with some random girl! Are you serious?"

"I'm sorry! Its just that she saw what Michael did to me and felt bad."

"Oh my God! Really? Thats your excuse? Pathetic." I spit out. I turn back around to get to my car.

"Jaelyn. Do not walk out on me. Do you remember what happened last time you did this?" He threatens. My hand automatically goes to the scar on my face. "I'm sorry, ok?" He walks over to me and runs his fingers through my hair. A tear falls down my face and he wipes it away.

I didn't want this anymore. I wanted out. I wanted to end everything with Ashton. But I couldn't.

"Now, go home and I'll see you tomorrow at school, yeah?" He smiles his stupid smile. I nod hestitantly and leave. When I'm far enough from his house, I pull over and break down into tears. I didn't know how much longer I could do this.

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