Chapter 5

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From my position still on the ground, I watched as Michael ran across the yard straight towards Ashton. Despite all the pain I was feeling in my face, I almost wanted to laugh. Michael was completely wasted, that much was obvious. Yet here he was trying to run to get to Ashton. He couldn't stay in a straight line, instead he was pretty much zig-zagging the entire length of the lawn. On his way over, he actually tripped over his own feet and fell to the ground. I could hear him let out a string of profanties as he got up and continued his drunken journey over to us.

"What the hell is his problem?" Ashton whispered. He was just standing there snickering at Michael's alcohol-fueled attempt to get across the yard. He turned to look at me, amusement evident on his face.

I have no idea what's about to happen but I know it isn't going to be good. Michael is intoxicated and literally charging at Ashton which was a stupid idea to begin with because Ashton looks about ready to kill someone. Due to the commotion Michael created, a crowd was now gathering outside ready to watch what was about to go down. It wasn't a high school party without a drunk fist fight.

Ashton was still staring at me when Michael finally made it to our spot in the yard. Without warning, he collided into Ashton, knocking both of them to the ground. Before Ashton could even react, Michael was pounding his face.

"Get off of me, you fucking psycho!" Ashton yelled as he came to his senses. He started to struggle underneath Michael, trying to push him off. Michael seemed unfazed as he continued to pummel Ashton's face. "I didn't mean to hit her!" Ashton cried. Liar. He knew exactly what he was doing when he hurt me.

I could see the blood starting to cover Ashton's face and I knew it had gone to far. "Michael! Get off of him, please! You're hurting him!" I finally get up from where I was laying on the ground and rush over to the fight. I grab Michael and try to get him off of the beaten boy laying helplessly on the ground.

"That's the point. He deserves to get hurt. He shouldn't have hit you!" Michael screams. Between the crowd yelling for a winner and Michael screaming in his face, I think I could hear Ashton actually sobbing.

"Thats it, Michael. Get off of him now. I'm ok. I really am." I grab his arm again in a weak attempt to stop him. He pauses and lowers his arms. He stands up and backs away from a very beaten up Ashton. As soon as he gets close enough to me, I slap him across the face. "What were you thinking? You are such an idiot."

"J-" He begins, the spot where I slapped him turning red. I saw something in his eyes I never thought I would see in Michael, pure hatred.

"No," I cut him off. "Save it because I really don't want to hear it. I could've dealt with it myself. I didn't need you." I start to walk away from him when he grabs my arm. I throw his arm off of me and say, "Get the hell away from me. And stay away." I start running from him, through the crowd where I pass Adley and Luke. Adley looks at me as if questioning what had just happened. I ignore her and keep running until I'm far enough away from the house. I don't even know where I am going. I just need to get away.

I stop after running for about 5 minutes. I could still here the loud music but at least I was far enough away from Michael.

Michael. What was he even thinking? He probably wasn't considering he was highly intoxicated. Maybe he was trying to defend me but what he doesn't know is that he made things even worse. Ashton was going to do more than just hit me next time.

Enough of this. I need to get home and go to sleep so I can forget this night even happened.

I look around and realize how far I actually ran from the party and how cold it was outside.

Now I'm the idiot. Michael was my ride home. I groan as I realize I left myself without a way to get home. Being dramatic is great and all but more times than not it will just screw you over.

I guess I will have to walk back to my house. I pull my phone out of my pocket and check the time. 11:19. If I start walking home now, I should be home by midnight. I sigh and start my long, cold walk home.

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