Chapter 25

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"Shit." I scream. We're done. Its over. The police found us. "What do I do?" I yell at the top of my lungs.

"Pull the fuck over!" Ashton screams. "What else are you going to do? Run away from the police and become a fucking fugitive?" He throws his hands in the air.

"Oh my god! Shut up Ashton!" Michael yells. I was panicking. I've never been pulled over in my life and now I was probably going to be arrested for running away from home. 

"Stop yelling everybody! You're freaking me out!" I yell back to both of them.

"Jaelyn! What the hell? Pull over!" Ashton continues to scream in my face. I slowly pull the car over to the side of the highway. Tears start finding their way down my face. This is the worst night of my life. In my rear view mirror I could see the police officer walking this way with his flashlight.

"This is scarier than I thought it would be." Michael says quietly in the back. I took a couple of deep breaths before the officer knocked on the window. Oh god. I roll down the window.

"Hello officer." I say, my voice shaking. My palms were sweating and it was getting harder to breathe.

"License and registration, please." I pull my license out of purse and Ashton hands me the car registration. I hand both to the officer. He looks it over and walks back to his car. As soon as he leaves, I burst into tears. I couldn't hold it back anymore. The tears kept coming and they wouldn't stop. My breathing became uneven and I seriously think I was having a panic attack.

"Woah, are you ok, Jaelyn?" Ashton asks.

"Hey baby, calm down its ok." Michael says and grabs my hand reassuringly. It took a couple minutes but I finally started to calm down just in time for the officer to come back.

"Do you know why I pulled you over?" He asks.

"Um..." I begin. I have no idea what to say. You pulled me over because I'm a teenage runaway?

"Because you were going 10 miles over the speed limit." He answers his own question.

"What?" All three of us say in unison. Relief washes over me.

"Yeah, thats pretty dangerous. I wrote you up a warning. Just, uh, don't do it again." The officer says. "Have a good night." He turns and walks back to his vehicle.

"That...was surprisingly easy." I say slowly.

"Did he really not recognize us from the news?" Michael asks.

"I guess not." I whisper. "Um, someone else is going to have to drive. My hands won't stop shaking." I say and step out of the car. Ashton moves over to the drivers seat and I get in the back. I guess Ashton was pretty shaken up too because he didnt say anything when I got in the back with Michael.

I get as close as I can to Michael and lay my head on his chest. He wraps his arms around me and holds me tight.

"Its too bad your phone battery died because we could've watched Big Hero 6." I smile into his neck. I hear him chuckle softly.

We get back on the empty highway and drive all night long, only stopping for gas a couple more times. Once morning comes, Ashton turns back and announces we only have 2 hours left until we're home. 

I was going to make these 2 hours last because once we got home, my parents were never going to let me out of the house again.

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