Chapter 27

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After I had asked Michael, we decided it would be the reasonable thing to do to go ask his parents. At first they didn't think we were serious. His dad laughed like we had just told the funniest joke in the world until he saw our faces and realized we were dead serious. And his mom? She stared at us as if we had grown a second head or something.

"Mom, dad. Please. She got into a huge fight with her parents and doesn't have anywhere else to go. And you guys know how her parents are so you should understand." Michael's mom and my mom were best friends a long time ago. They knew each other in high school and pretty much grew up together.

Then they met our dads, fell in love, and got married. My mom had been going to law school and Michael's mom was going to college to get a degree in journalism. After they both graduated and my mom became a laywer,she changed into an entirely different person. She became someone Michael's parents didn't want to be around. Needless to say, their relationship ended very badly. There is still a lot of tension between them.

"And I see you guys as my second parents, you know? You've always been there for me and welcoming especially when my own parents haven't." I plead. I need them to let me stay because there is no way I'm back to that house.

His parents exchange looks as if mentally debating the issue. A few seconds later, she turns to me and says, "Of course you can stay here, Jaelyn. You can stay in his brother's old room downstairs."

"Thank you so much!" I thank them both. I grab the bag I still had from our little roadtrip and walked down the stairs into his brother's room.

Michael follows me into the room. "Are you ok? I know you have issues with your parents but this seems extreme." He sits on the bed and holds his arms out for me to join him. I do and as soon as I'm in his arms, I start crying again. It seems like all I do lately is cry and I hate it.

"They think they can control my life. They want me to be this perfect daughter and hold me to all these impossible expectations. I can put up with it. I have for almost 18 years now but there is no way in hell I am letting them forbid me from seeing you. Its ridiculous." I ran through my tears.

Michael doesn't say anything. He doesn't have to, him being there is enough.

"We better get to sleep. We actually have to go to school tomorrow." He eventually says and gets up. "Goodnight, J. See you tomorrow."

"Yeah." I say absentmindely. My mind was already racing through all the horrors that tomorrow inevitably brings. Adley, Ashton, and of course, all the schoolwork I'll have to make up after missing an entire week of school.

Tomorrow was going to suck.

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