Chapter 12

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The rest of that night, Michael and I layed in his bed watching movies. I changed into one of his old Nirvana tees since my clothes were completely wet and then we put in movie after movie until we both fell asleep.

For now everything was perfect. Michael and I were ok. We were actually more than ok considering we weren't hiding anything from each other anymore. I didn't have to face Ashton today. Or Calum. I don't know what I'm going say when I see Calum again, its going to be really awkward.

I'm sure when I go to school tomorrow everything is going to get all screwed up again. Ashton is going to be pissed that I wasn't at school and when he finds out I was with Michael, it'll be worse. Adley is going to be asking a million questions that I won't want to answer. My parents are going to kill me for ditching school, that is if they are home yet. But I don't want to think about all that yet. Right now I am laying in Michael's arms and its perfect.

In the morning, Michael wakes me up, "Hey, J, we actually have to go to school today so you might want to get up." I open my eyes and see him right next to me.

"Ok, I don't have any clothes so I'll just wear the ones I wore yesterday. They should be dry by now."

"Yeah, cool. When you come downstairs, we have to talk." He says as he gets up to go shower. We have to talk? Again? We just talked yesterday. Unless he thinks he made a mistake. Ugh, I hate Michael sometimes! I thought everything was perfect and now I'm freaking out again.

I hurry up and get ready as best as I can considering all my makeup and stuff is at my house. I'm afraid to go downstairs because of what Michael is going to say. But I go down anyway and he's eating a bowl of cereal.

"You want something?" He asks, his mouth full. I laugh and shake my head.

"So whats up? You said you wanted to talk." I say trying to hide my fear.

"Ok so we both know how we feel. And we both want to be something more than friends, right?"

"Well yeah of course." I nod in agreement, unsure of where this was going.

"One tiny problem. You're still with Ashton." Oh my god. I didn't even think about that. I was too caught up with what happened last night that I didn't think about that. He sees the look on my face. "Don't tell me that you forgot you are Ashton's girlfriend."

"I didn't forget. It just...slipped my mind. That's all. I was just too happy with you." I smile.

"Right. So what are you going to do?" He asks, obviously wanting a response. I had no clue. Breaking up with Ashton isn't exactly the easiest thing to do. But I can't be with Michael when everyone else thinks I'm with Ashton, including Ashton himself.

"What do you want me to say?"

"I was hoping you were going to break up with him." Michael says, anger creeping into his voice.

"Michael, I can't break up with him." I try to explain. But Michael doesn't know what happened when I tried to end things with Ash. As far as he knows, I got the scar on my face from tripping and falling on the sidewalk while walking home from school one day.

"And why not?" He's getting angrier the farther this conversation gets.

"Because I just can't. Plus its probably best we keep this quiet for now anyway. Adley and Luke would totally freak out if they knew and it would be weird if we came out as a couple right after I broke up with Ashton." I explain. I just made all this up but it has some truth to it. Michael stays silent for a minute, thinking about what I just said.

"Yeah, I guess thats true." I silently breath out a sigh of relief when he says that. "So basically, we are going to have a secret relationship until you end everything with Ashton and it clears over?"

"Yep. That sounds right to me." I was scared we weren't going to be able to hide it  but we are going to have to.

"I'm actually ok with that. But you have to promise me that you'll break up with him soon." Of course. Of course he would ask me that. I walk over to him and give him a kiss.

"Yes. I promise I'll try. Now lets go to school."

This won't be easy. I hate to admit it but I'm afraid of Ashton and what he will do to me if I actually go through with this. What will be even worse is if he finds out I'm cheating on him with Michael. This i not going to end well at all. I'm either going to be heartbroken by Michael or seriously injured by Ashton. There is no in between. But, like an idiot I fell in love with my best friend and there are going to be consequences.

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