Chapter 23

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Michael and I woke in the morning to someone pounding loudly on the door. Michael is not a morning person, so he hopped out of bed, visibly pissed at whoever was on the other side of the door.

"Michael, don't hit the guy. Its probably just the creepy hotel dude." I asked half-heartedly. A part of me was still asleep. I grabbed my phone and sighed when I saw it was only 5:15 in the morning. "Actually, Michael, go ahead and beat the complete shit out of the guy."

"Gladly." He hissed. He stomped over to the door and swung it open ready to go off on the guy. But he froze and backed away from the doorway, towards the bed. "J, come here, behind me."

As confused as I was, I moved to where he was standing and stood behind him. He wrapped his arms around me protectively. And thats when I saw who was standing at the door. The last person I ever expected.

"Ashton." I breathed quietly. Sure enough, Ashton had found me somehow and tracked me down.

"Did you seriously think that you could run away from me, Jaelyn? That I wouldn't find you?" He pushed into the room. This room was way too small for the 3 of us.

"How did-" I began.

"I have my ways. And you should know that by now Jaelyn. Now come on you're coming home with me." He reached out his hand to grab me but Michael stops him.

"Don't you dare lay a finger on her because if you do, I swear to god I will kill you." Michael hisses through his teeth. Ashton immediately backs off, obviously intimidated by this new side of Michael. He was scaring me a little bit, I have never seen him act like this. But it was also kind of hot.

"The only way Jaelyn is going home is if I'm with her." Michael adds. Ashton pauses and I could see him thinking about whether it was worth it or not.

"Fine." He finally says. "You can both ride home with me in my car." He turns to walk out of the room. "Meet me out front." He yells on his way out.

When he finally leaves, Michael relaxes and turns to face me. His grabs me and pulls me into a kiss. "I love you so much. I will never let him touch you or hurt you again." He whispers against my lips.

"I love you too." I say back. He walks over to the bed and picks our bags.

"Lets go." I follow him outside and over to Ashton's car.

"Well, well. Look who finally showed up. The lovebirds." Ashton smirks. He's trying to put up a front but I know he's pissed that Michael and I are together.

"Shut up asshole." Michael spits back. He opens the doors and throws our bags in the car. He gets in the backseat. "Come on J." I follow him in there.

Ashton then gets in the driver seat and turns on the car. "This is my car and I am being gracious enough to drive you guys home. So there are going to be some rules. No food in the car. We play my music. We all take turns driving. Michael does not get to talk at all. I do not want to hear one word from him."

"Ashton thats insane." I say.

"Ok, then I guess you guys can find some other way home." He shrugs. I look over at Michael and he nods to say its fine.

"Fine. What are the rest of the rules?" I sigh giving up.

"Anyway, no kissing, no hugging, no touching at all. In fact, Jaelyn, why don't you come sit up here with me?" He turns to look at us. I glare at him before getting out of the backseat and moving towards the front. Ashton smiles in satisfaction and finally leaves the hotel parking lot.

When we were about 5 minuts down the road, my phone vibrates telling me I have a message. I look down and see Michaels name. 

These three days will go by so fast, baby. We'll be home in no time and then we can be together. Love you.

I smile before replying I love you back.

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