Chapter 16

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Before Michael could get here, I got up and went downstairs for some Aspirin. My head was throbbing after being slammed against the window. 

I went into the bathroom and made sure my hair was hiding the fresh cut on my forehead. I didn't Michael to know or he would go after Ashton. 

Michael would be here soon and I hate to say it but I wish he would have just stayed home. I am emotionally and physically exhausted. Its been a long night.

The doorbell rang and I went to answer it. As soon as I opened the door and saw Michael in his faded band tee with a silly grin on his face, I instantly regretted everything I was thinking before. 

"You like my hair?" He asked. My eyes travelled to his hair and my jaw dropped. It wasn't red anymore.

"It's blue! Oh my god you have blue hair!" I laughed running over to him and throwing my arms around him. I didn't realize how much I actually needed him tonight.

"I'll take that as you love it." I nod into his chest.

"It reminds me of our sophomore year when you had blue hair for the first time, Your parents hated it!" I break away from him and lead him into the house.

"Yep. The good ole' days. " He shakes his head."Anyway, I brought movies and food! I thought tonight you might want to relax. Breaking up with Ashton couldn't have been easy."

I hesitate, unsure of what to say. I hadn't broken up with Ashton and I felt terrible. I had intended to but things got out of hand. "Uh, yeah. It wasn't the, um, easiest thing to do." I take his hand and we walk into the living room.

He jumps on the couch and pats the spot right next to him. "Come on. Lets watch some movies and eat some food." Michael knows exactly what cheers me up. I smile and walk over to him, other ideas racing through my mind.

I get on his lap, straddling his waist. "I don't really want to watch any movies."

"Oh, really?" He smirks, placing his lips on mine. Soon we were in a heated make-out session and both of us were unsure of how far we wanted to go. Of course I wanted to keep going but I wasn't sure I was ready.

His hands creep up under my tank top and start traveling towards my chest. I gasp at how good his hands feel on me, I didn't want to stop.

But  Michael apparently did because he breaks away and pushes me off his lap. He clears his throat, "Lets watch the movie now," Ok, I was really confused. Just a second ago he was trying to take off my shirt but now he wanted to watch a movie?

"You don't want to...uh...keep going?" I ask, insecurity creeping into my voice. He probably realized he isn't attracted to me. Or he just wants to be friends. I don't know! Why does he keep doing this to me>

"Oh, trust me, I do. Badly, but I don't think your ready." 

I shake my head. "I am though, Michael. I am ready."

"You just broke up with Ashton today after a 2 year relationship and now you just want to go and sleep with another guy? I just don't think its a good idea." 

I think about it and realize he is right. Its not a good idea. We will just have to wait. "Michael, you should know something."

"Oh no, what?" He asked, worry showing on his face.

"Ashton and I never made it that far. After I found out he cheated on me the first time, I told myself that he wasn't the guy I wanted to be the first time." I said, my face turning red with embarrassment.

He nods. "Thats ok." He smiles and squeezes my hand. I get up to put one of the movies in that he brought over.

We lay down on the couch and I cuddle up next to him, wanting to be as close as possible. He wraps his arm around me and pulls me closer. 

I don't care what anyone else says, Michael really is the best cuddler.

A/N: Hey guys, sorry this is short but its about to get really dramatic. Also I'm starting a new fanfic so once its up, I'll let you know. I just need a title so I have to think about!! Thanks for reading you guys are amazing!!

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