Chapter 6

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The walk home was lonely and cold. I didn't realize how far I actually was from my house. So now I was left alone with my thoughts. The last thing I wanted to be.

I tried to not think about everything that happened tonight but it was hard. I went to the party to have a good time with my friends but I end up making out with Calum, getting punched in the face by Ashton, and watching my best friend get in a fist fight with my boyfriend. And to top it off, here I am walking home in the freezing cold with no jacket. I stupidly left it in a random room at the house party.

I really fucked myself over.

After about 45 minutes of walking, I finally made it home. I silently thanked my parents for choosing this weekend to be away on one of their "business trips" that they always go on. They weren't here to ask me hundreds of useless questions about where I was and who I was with and what I was doing. Because I'm pretty if I did tell them, I would never be let out of the house again.

Not mention the blood all over my face and clothes from my broken nose. That would be hard to explain. For a second I thought maybe I should got to the ER but I was in enough trouble as it was.

I run upstairs to my empty room and immediately change into my pajamas and take off my makeup and clean up my face. I wanted to get rid of everything that reminded me of tonight. I go into my bathroom and look into the mirror. Yep, a purple bruise was already forming around my eye where Ashton had hit me earlier and my nose was swollen. What lie should I make up for it this time? I don't even know. I'm running out of ideas. People at school already think I'm a klutz do to all the other excuses I've had to make up thanks to Ashton.

I turn off the light and get into bed. I just wanted to forget this night even if for only 8 hours while I sleep. But as I layed there, I started to cry. Ashton has been abusing me for almost a year now and I didn't know how to stop it. I tried ending things with him but thats how I got the scar on my face. He didn't like the idea of breaking up too much so he threw the closest thing he could find at me. Which happened to be his car keys. Which are surprinsingly sharp. I think its safe to say he has anger issues.

He's killing me. I'm not the same person I was before him and sometimes I feel like there is no way out.

All of the sudden, there was a thud on my window and I froze. Someone was trying to break in and my parents weren't even home. I grabbed my phone prepared to call the cops when there was another thud and then the sound of glass breaking. What had just happened?

I rushed out of bed and over to my window and pull the curtains open. Oh my god. The window was completely broken! I could feel the cold air flowing into my bedroom. Oh no, my parents were going to kill me when they got home and saw my window was broken.

"Did I break the window? Oh god, I'm so sorry, J!" I heard a drunken voice yell from outside. I looked out and saw a flash of red in the pitch dark. Michael.

"Michael! Stop throwing rocks at my window! What were you thinking? You broke it!" I yell back.

"I know and I'm sorry. I think I'm a little bit drunk. Can you let me inside? Its cold and I have to tell you something." He continues to yell, probably waking up the entire neighbourhood. I shake my head in amusement and head downstairs to let the drunk red-head in.

When I get down there I open the door and Michael is standing on the front porch.

"You asshole! Get in here, before you get arrested or something." I laugh and pull him inside.

"Yeah, I brought this. You left it at the party." He hands me my leather jacket.

"Thanks, I forgot to grab it when I...left." I say hestitantly.

"About that, can we talk about it later? Like tomorrow or another day when I don't have a, uh, hangover." He asks. I laugh, "Yeah, sure. That's probably for the best anyway."

We go back up to my room and lay down in my bed like we've done hundreds of times before. We have had countless sleepovers in this room where we've just stayed up all night talking about anything and everything. He just lies there staring at me.

"What? Isn't there something you wanted to tell me?" I ask.

"Uh, yeah. I guess there was. It might be kinda stupid and I probably wouldn't be doing it if I wasn't drunk. Also, there is a huge chance I will regret this tomorrow." He sighs and sits up. I get to a sitting position to and turn to face him.

"Well, if this makes you feel better, there is also a chance you won't remember this tomorrow." I laugh thinking about when he wakes up tomorrow with a killer hangover.

"Very true." He smiles.

"So, what is it? I'm sorta tired considering its almost one in the morning."

"Right," he laughs. "Um, here goes nothing, I guess." He looks at me with those beautiful green eyes as his face gets closer to mine. Oh no, what was he doing? If he was doing what I think he was, it would ruin everything, our whole friendship.

But despite this, a little part of me wanted to keep going, to kiss him and know what he feels like.

He pauses right before his lips touch mine and I can smell the alcohol on his breath. "Michael." I whisper before he crashes his lips to mine. I freeze for a couple of seconds until I start to kiss back, wrapping my arms around his neck. We stay this way for what seems like forever before Michael breaks away.

"I think that I'm in love with you, Jaelyn." He whispers against my lips and then he passes out on my bed. I stare at him for a minute before I lay down next to him to go to sleep. He absently puts his arm around my waist.

"I think I love you too," I whisper back, knowing he was fast asleep.

Maybe this night wasn't too bad after all.

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