Chapter 29

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Jaelyn's POV: 

Michael wasn't waiting for me when school got out so I decided to just walk home. The day wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

Adley was fine with everything that had happened, surprisingly, and Ashton didn't say a single word to me. Things were finally ok again.

When I finally made it to Michael's house, his car was in the driveway. I don't know why he didn't wait for me after school like he usually does.

"Michael?" I call when I step into the house. "Michael!" I yell when there isn't answer. I know he's here, his car is in the driveway.

Everything was so good today. What happened between the time I saw him last and now? I just don't understand. 

I walk downstairs and throw my back pack on the bed and wait a couple minutes. Maybe he heard me come in and just didn't know I was home. I mess around on my phone for about 10 minutes and then I head back upstairs to find Michael.

He still wasn't around and instead of moping around, I called Adley and asked if her and Luke wanted to come over and hang out. Adley promised her and Luke would be there in a couple minutes.

While waiting for them to show up, I wandered into the kitchen and took out a soda from the fridge.

Where the hell was Michael and what was going on with him? He seemed so happy today with me and now is hiding. I didn't want to bother him just in case he was pissed at me for some unknown reason.

 I was so immersed in my own thoguhts, I almost didn't hear the doorbell ring when Adley and Luke got here.

"So whats going on?" Adley asks as she bounds into the house, Luke trailing behind her. They were such a weird couple. Cute, but weird.

"Nothing, I just can't find Michael anywhere." I update her.

"Oh well he's probably around here somewhere." She comforts me.

"MICHAEL! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!" Luke screams at the top of his lungs. Like I said, Luke can be loud when he wants to be. Adley and I both jump back in surprise. I've never heard Luke mutter as much as 5 words let alone yelling loud enough to wake the dead.

"Jesus Christ Luke! Did you have to yell so loud?" Adley scolds as she holds her hands over her ears.

Luke just points towards the stairs as Michael runs out. "What the hell?"

"Uh sorry. We were just hanging out and thought you would want to join." I explain. He avoids looking at me, though I'm not sure why.

"Sure. Where are we going?" He says, still not looking at me.

"I don't know, I guess we could go down to the park and chill." Adley says. We all shrug and follow her out the door.

Michael grabs my arm on the way out. "We need to talk, J."

A/N: Ok so we are getting towards the end. Expect only a couple more chapters. This one was just a filler so its really not that great. All I can say is you guys are going to hate me when this is over.

So I have two other fanfics going on right now. Stuck is an Ashton fanfic if you want to go check that out and vote on:) And the other one I actually just started tonight but I'm really excited about. Its called That One Night and its a Calum fanfic. So if you want, you can check those out.

But anyway thank you for reading!! If you like it, please vote and comment! Thanks and I love all you readers out there! -Kaitlyn

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