Chapter Two

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A week had passed, and Blaine was getting more stressed and anxious with each day that went by. Nationals was next weekend, and the boys would also be receiving their letters from Chicago this week.

Both of them were nervous, but Blaine especially. He'd been killing himself over trying to get the choreography perfect for their performance, and he was constantly battling his own mind about whether he would be accepted into college or not.

This didn't go unnoticed to Kurt though. All week, he'd taken note of how on edge Blaine was, and how stressed he always seemed. He wanted to help, but he didn't know how.

He was going to tell Blaine that one night at his house about his feelings for him, but when he noticed Blaine was off, he thought it would only make things worse and decided against it.

He just wished he knew what was bothering Blaine so much so he knew how to comfort him. Was he nervous for Nationals? Sad that graduation was almost here? Worried about moving? Or was it something Kurt did wrong that made him so upset?

That last thought seemed to resonate with Kurt the most, and he immediately wanted to get to the bottom of this and make sure everything was ok. Make sure they were ok.

Kurt's crush on Blaine was nothing less than strong. He wanted so bad to tell Blaine that he was in love with him, but he didn't know how or when, and he figured Blaine probably had higher standards.


Kurt was meeting Blaine at The Lima Bean after school, where they'd open their letters together. When he got there, Blaine was already sitting at a table off to the side with two coffees and his unopened letters. He looked so scared and on edge, and it broke Kurt's heart.

He walked over to Blaine and sat down across from him, smiling when he saw Blaine's face light up. "Hey. Here's your coffee. Are you ready to open them?" Blaine asked. Kurt smiled and took the coffee from him and nodded. "Yeah. Let's do it. I'll go first." Kurt ripped open the envelopes, his eyes scanning each one carefully. He immediately smiled and said "I got in. I was accepted to both. I got in!" Blaine smiled wide and said "Really? Kurt that's amazing! I knew you would."

They both stared at eachother until Blaine looked down at his letters, his smile falling. "Hey... What's wrong Blaine?" Kurt asked softly, grabbing his hand across the table. Blaine looked up and said "I'm just nervous. What if I wasn't good enough and didn't get in?" Kurt's face fell and he looked directly into Blaine's eyes. "Blaine, you are more than good enough. You are so special, and talented, and amazing, and I know there's going to be good news in those envelopes. I'm positive." He said, squeezing Blaine's hand. Blaine mouthed an "Ok" and opened the envelopes.

He scanned over them, remaining silent for longer than Kurt expected. "Well?" Kurt prompted. "What do they say?" Blaine set them down and looked up at Kurt, before yelling "I got in to both! I did it!" Both boys jumped up and hugged eachother tight. "I told you so. You're so extraordinary Blaine. There's no way you wouldn't have gotten in. I've always believed in you, and I always will." Kurt said in his ear, feeling tears coming from Blaine falling on his shoulder.

They pulled apart and sat back down, enjoying their coffee. Blaine was happy, but not totally relieved. In fact, a whole new wave of anxiety hit him. He has no clue what he's doing. What if he gets to Chicago and fails and it all comes crashing back down on him?

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