Chapter Eleven

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The next morning, Kurt was woken up by a screaming Blaine. He jumped up and looked over to see Blaine sitting up hyperventilating, shaking, and crying.

"Blaine what's wrong?" Kurt asked extremely worried. He wrapped his arms tight around Blaine and whispered reassurances like "It's ok" and "You're safe with me" in his ear to help calm him down. He never answered Kurt, so he asked again. "Blaine, love, what's wrong?" Blaine just shook his head and replied shortly "Nothing. It was just a bad dream. I'm ok." Kurt moved on to his next question. "What happened yesterday? Who hurt you?" Blaine tensed up but just looked down and said "No one hurt me. I'm fine it's nothing." Kurt sighed and went to get up to get ready for school. He figured Blaine obviously wasn't up for talking right now, so might as well not be late.

He stood up and Blaine immediately jumped up asking "Wait where are you going?" He looked terrified and was shaking slightly. "I was just going to get ready for my 10:30 class." Kurt replied. "Please don't go." Blaine said so quietly and almost brokenly. Kurt's heart shattered and he didn't hesitate to get back in the bed and wrap his arms protectively around Blaine. "Ok. I'll stay. Don't worry, I'm here. I'm not going anywhere." Kurt said softly and kissed Blaine on the lips, wiping the silent tears that continued to fall from Blaine's eyes.

Blaine fell asleep not long after that, and Kurt grabbed his phone and emailed all his professors letting them know he wouldn't be in class the rest of the week due to a "family emergency" and said he'd get himself caught up over the weekend. He then grabbed Blaine's phone (He knew Blaine wouldn't mind) and did the same thing.

He had no idea what happened, but he knew this was going to be something that required time off.


Both boys woke up around the same time a few hours later. It was already after lunch time now. Kurt sat up and Blaine did the same, almost as if he needed to be right up next to Kurt, but he didn't say anything about it.

Blaine looked at the time and immediately started freaking out "Oh my god Kurt you missed your class I'm so-" Kurt cut him off by shushing him and saying "I emailed both of our professors letting them know we'd need the rest of the week off. I just said 'family emergency' and they gave us the time off." Blaine relaxed and said "Oh. Alright."

Kurt sighed and turned Blaine's face so they were staring at eachother. "Blaine, please tell me what happened. You've got a huge bruise and cuts on your face, I know something happened. Just tell me love and I can help you." He said softly and comfortingly. "N-No. I can't. I-I'm sorry Kurt." Blaine said darting his eyes away from Kurt's.

Kurt sighed and just let it go, and spent the rest of the day lounging around the house with Blaine basically glued to his hip at all times.


The next two days and into the weekend was no different. Kurt tried asking Blaine about what happened, but Blaine refused to tell him. So he let that go. But he never gave up on reminding Blaine that he'll always be there for him and he's on his side.

Still, Kurt wanted to know what happened. He absolutely hated seeing Blaine like this. He's extremely depressed and he just sleeps all the time, and he keeps waking up in the middle of the night from night terrors. Kurt decided enough is enough. He has to figure out a way to get Blaine to talk to him.

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