Chapter Nine

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The next week was spent focusing on adjusting to their new apartment and getting used to their classes.

It was stressful, but it went really well. Kurt was amazed at how happy Blaine seemed and how far he's come. He's been working so hard to do well in his classes, and to keep his mental health better.

Kurt couldn't understand how he got so lucky. He wanted to do something special for Blaine to show him what he's feeling. He was going to plan a day for him, just like Blaine had done for Kurt back in May.

It was a Friday, and both boys were done with their classes for the day. They were at home making dinner and getting Grey's Anatomy set up on the TV. Kurt walked over to Blaine at the stove and hugged him from behind. "Hey love" Blaine said turning to kiss Kurt then turning back around. "Hey. Grey's is set up and ready to play as soon as the food is done. I've been wanting to tell you I'm proud of you for how well you're doing, and I want to do something special for you. So tomorrow I'm planning a date-day dedicated to you." Kurt said. Blaine blushed and turned around so he was facing Kurt. "Really? You don't have to-" "I want to." Kurt cut him off. "Ok. I'm excited to see what you're planning." Blaine said.

Blaine finished cooking and Kurt grabbed plates, silverware, and napkins, and they joined eachother on the couch and pressed play on the TV.

The rest of the night was relaxing as they spent it cuddling on the couch under a blanket watching TV.


The next morning, Kurt let Blaine sleep in, but got up early to get ready himself. He wanted today to be special, and he had a lot to do to make sure that happened.

He took a shower, and got dressed in black skinny jeans, with a white long sleeve shirt and a black vest. He found a matching black tie with white polka dots and matching shoes. He styled his hair perfectly, and grabbed his phone, wallet, and keys.

He left a note on his pillow for when Blaine woke up that said:

Good morning beautiful. I went out to make sure everything is ready for our date today. I'll be back at 10:00 to pick you up. We're going to eat so don't worry about breakfast. Wear something cute. ;)

- Kurt <3

He kissed Blaine on the forehead before heading out the door and downstairs to his car.


Blaine woke up around 8:45 and immediately saw the note. He smiled after reading it and figured he should get ready now so he wouldn't be late.

He took a shower and decided on wearing a black polo, with red tight-fitting capri pants, matching shoes and a red, white, and navy blue bowtie. He gelled his hair back and grabbed his phone and wallet and keys and just waited patiently for Kurt to get back.

At exactly 10:00, there was a knock on the door. Blaine got up to answer it and was greeted by Kurt smiling at him and holding out a bouquet of red and yellow flowers towards him. He gratefully accepted them and set them down on the counter.

Kurt held out a hand for which Blaine took instantly and said "Mr. Anderson, care to let me take you out on an amazing date?" Kurt said smiling cheekily. "I would love nothing more." Blaine replied before locking the door and being practically dragged by Kurt to his car.

First, Kurt took them to a diner downtown for breakfast. They sat and talked, just enjoying their food. Blaine had to admit, it was better than any diner's in Lima.

Once they were finished eating, Kurt payed the bill and led Blaine back to the car, opening his door for him.

Next, he drove them to Michigan Avenue, and parked in a parking garage. They spent a while just walking hand-in-hand through all the stores up and down the whole street. They stopped to take pictures in Millennium Park in front of The Bean and on the notorious ledge of the bridge.

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