Chapter Three

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It was now the day of Nationals, and Blaine was on the verge of a huge mental breakdown. He tried his best to hide it all week, but now that their performance was in an hour, he was freaking out. The New Directions had some time before they had to be in the choir room, (Nationals was being held at McKinley) so Blaine went for a walk around the school.

Kurt noticed Blaine wasn't with the rest of the group, so he decided to go look for him since they still had time before their performance. He walked around the halls and checked the bathrooms, the gym, the two open classrooms, and the locker room, but couldn't find him. Finally, he checked one last hallway and found Blaine standing there with his head back against his locker. His hands were shaking, he was breathing heavily, and he appeared to be crying.

Kurt ran over to him and put a hand on his shoulder, startling Blaine. "Sorry" Kurt said. "What's going on Blaine? I know you're not ok. Something's wrong. You're my best friend and I want to help you. Please just talk to me and tell me why you've been so upset." He begged. Blaine sighed and slid down the lockers so he was sitting on the floor. Kurt sat next to him and placed a hand on top of his.

"Kurt I- I have anxiety and depression. It's been going on for a while, since the beginning of this year. It wasn't so bad at first, but now with everything that's been going on it just makes me so scared and anxious all the time. I didn't want to tell you because like you said, we're best friends and I didn't want to worry you. I was scared of losing you and I- I love you Kurt. I'm in love with you but I didn't want you to find out like this. I'm already afraid that I'm not good enough for you, and that I'm going to mess up out there on stage and ruin everything. Seeing me like this, it probably makes you think I'm weak and annoying and you deserve better than me. But Kurt I can't lose you. I can deal with rejection but I can't lose you because if I do-" Blaine was cut off by Kurt kissing him. It was gentle and slow, but both boys put all their emotion into it.

They broke apart and Kurt grabbed Blaine's face, stroking his thumb across his cheek. "Blaine, I'm in love with you too. I was going to tell you two weeks ago at my house but you seemed so stressed already and I thought it would make things worse. But listen to me when I say, you are so amazing Blaine. You're smart, funny, talented, and so beautiful inside and out. You're so extraordinary. And I know I've told you that before but it's true. And I'll continue to tell you everyday if that's what it takes to get you to believe me. And you're not going to lose me Blaine. Ever. I am always going to be here for you, and you can tell me things like this. I don't ever want you to be afraid to tell me something. I won't judge you, and I can help you. I can't cure your anxiety and depression, but I can comfort you as much as you want. And I will always be here to love and support you. I can't promise that you won't fall, but I can promise to make it safe if you do." Kurt finished.

Blaine looked stunned for a moment, but then looked relieved and grateful. "Thank you so much Kurt. You don't know how much that means to me." He smiled, wiping the tears from his eyes. "So does this mean... Will you be my boyfriend?" he asked looking hopeful. Kurt laughed and said "Of course. I would love to." He smiled. They leaned in and kissed again, this one longer, but still sweet and gentle.

When they broke apart, Kurt stood up and held his hand out, helping Blaine up. They walked hand in hand back to the choir room and made it just in time to join the show circle.

Once they all yelled "Aaaaamazing" everyone went backstage to take their places. Kurt squeezed Blaine's hand on his way past him and they both smiled at eachother.

Everyone took their places, and the curtain was pulled back. They gave the best performance they've ever done, and they all tried their best. Whether they won or lost, they knew they did everything they could.


An hour after all the performances were finished, the top three show choirs stood on the stage huddled together in their teams waiting for the judges. They walked out and began to announce the winner. "In third place is... The Unitards."

The New Directions all gripped each others hands tighter as did Vocal Adrenaline. "In second place is..." there was an eternity of silence, and everyone was getting impatient. "Vocal Adrenaline - Levaing The New Directions in first place! Congratulations" The announcer finished.

Everyone started screaming and jumping up and down. Kurt and Blaine hugged each other tight while laughing. "I told you you'd be amazing. I'm so proud of you Blaine. We did it!" Kurt said in his ear. Blaine just smiled and hugged him even tighter. He really did do it. They did it. He couldn't have pushed through if it wasn't for Kurt. He knew he was lucky and he was just so grateful for his best friend and boyfriend all in one.

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