Chapter Four

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The following two weeks were going by faster than either of the boys would like to admit. They were excited for a future together and bigger things, but they were sad that their childhood was basically coming to and end, and they were going to miss it.

It was three days before graduation. Kurt and Blaine wouldn't be moving until August, a couple weeks before classes started. They wanted to enjoy the summer together with their families and with eachother.

Blaine was doing better. He still had some overall anxiety about everything, but he will admit he's gotten better at being able to control how much he thinks about it and how much he allows it to get to him. He still has bad days, but he's been finding it easier to open up to Kurt and come to him when he needs help. He feels bad though, even though he knows it's not his fault and Kurt loves him, he still hates the fact that Kurt has to put up with it.

He wanted to thank Kurt and do something special for him, so he was planning a day after graduation to take him on a date. He had most of it figured out, so he really just had to wait till Saturday.

On Wednesday, the boys were hanging out at Blaine's house this time. His parents weren't home but they would be bringing back Chinese food for them. They were sitting on Blaine's bed cuddling and watching a movie when Kurt spoke up.

"I'm kind of sad we're graduating this week. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely can not wait to live with you and start a future together, but I'm going to miss this. Glee Club, our families and our friends, and this feeling of still being a kid." He said sadly. "I know" Blaine replied, moving a piece of Kurt's hair out of his eyes. "But don't worry. We'll still keep in touch with all of our friends, and it's going to be so fun in Chicago. We're going to get to watch eachother do everything we've always wanted, and we'll be living with our literal best friend and love. It's sad, but it's also exciting because better things are coming." He said.

Kurt smiled up at him and said "When did you get so sure and confident? I love it." Blaine just laughed and said "I have you to thank. You've shown me these past couple of weeks that no matter what, everything will work out, and even if I'm still worried it's ok and I know I have someone here for me all the time. Aaand as a thank you, I'm taking you on a date on Saturday. I know you love me and you say it's no problem, but I also know it still isn't ideal having to look after me all the time and comfort me when I'm on the verge of a breakdown." Kurt smiled softly at him and said "Blaine that's so sweet. But don't ever worry about that. I will always be here for you. Not because I feel like I have to. But because I genuinely want to and I wouldn't want to be with anyone else. I love YOU, for YOU, and just YOU."

They leaned in and shared a long but sweet kiss before Blaine's parents showed up with dinner. "Come on, let's go downstairs." Blaine said taking Kurt's hand and leading him to the kitchen.


It was now Friday and the graduation ceremony had just ended. The Glee Club was gathered in the choir room saying their last goodbyes to eachother. Everyone was basically hugging eachother and crying. Mr. Shue gave a sappy speech that made everyone cry more, and they all got up for one final show circle.

Kurt and Blaine grabbed their things and walked hand-in-hand to Kurt's car to head back to their own houses. Kurt was dropping Blaine off and meeting his parents back home since both of their parents drove separately from them. Kurt rested his hand on Blaine's thigh as they just sat and listened to the radio enjoying the peacefulness of each other's company.

Kurt pulled into Blaine's driveway 20 minutes later and smiled at him. "We did it. I'm so proud of us. I'm so proud of you." He said rubbing his hand up and down Blaine's arm. Blaine returned the smile and rested his hand on Kurt's cheek. "I'm proud of us too. I'm proud to be with you. I'll see you tomorrow ok? I'll pick you up at 11:30. I love you." He said. "I love you most" Kurt replied and they shared a kiss before Blaine got out. Kurt waited to make sure he got inside ok and backed out of the driveway heading back to his house.

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