Chapter Seven

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The next two months went by super fast, and it was now one week until Kurt and Blaine leave for Chicago.

They just hit three months together. Blaine was doing a lot better. In fact, he rarely got depressing thoughts anymore, and he got very minimal anxiety about things. Kurt never fails to be there for him and tell him how proud he is of Blaine everyday. They're both very much in love with eachother, and the initial chains are proof.

They still had some packing to do, but they were currently at The Lima Bean enjoying coffee together after packing for the past three and a half hours straight.

"I can't believe we leave in A WEEK." Kurt said. Blaine laughed in response. "I know. I'm so excited. I genuinely don't feel scared anymore. I'm still a little nervous about college but I think that's expected. I used to be absolutely terrified. But now I just feel ready. Ready to take it all on... With you... And ready to succeed. It's going to be amazing I can just feel it." He said smiling the whole time. Kurt took his hand across the table and said "I'm so proud of how far you've come Blaine. I love seeing you like this. So happy and confident and sure. Don't get me wrong, being anxious or depressed doesn't make you any less amazing or worthy. I'm just saying. You deserve nothing less than absolute happiness. Whether it's with me or not. Just in general. I'm so amazed by you all the time." Blaine blushed and looked down, then back up to meet Kurt's eyes.

"I love you"

"I love you most"


Kurt and Blaine have gotten into the habit of only calling eachother either love or beautiful, or just by their regular names. Neither of them are really fans of pet names. They don't need them anyways.

Whenever they say "I love you" Kurt always counters with "I love you most." It's not to be a smartass or just to play fight. He genuinely means it and he always wants Blaine to know that. It's his way of letting Blaine know he has a constant, and has something good, especially on his rough days. Even if it's hard to see.

They also both came out to eachother as Asexual in July. It's never been something that's on their minds, and they both agreed they don't need to have sex all the time to know they love eachother. Kurt was the one who admitted it first.


They were sitting in his room watching more Grey's Anatomy when Kurt paused it suddenly. "You alright love?" Blaine asked. "Yeah. I just need to tell you something. I wasn't going to at first because technically it's nobody's business, but I think you have a right to know in case you decide you don't agree with me and want to find someone else." "I'm confused. Are you breaking up with me?" Blaine asked very timidly. "God no Blaine. Of course not. I love you. I'm trying to say that I'm Asexual. I don't know if it matters to you or changes anything. I don't want it to, but I really love you and I know you love me so I just wanted you to know what I want and what I don't want. This way if we are ever doing anything, we know where to draw the line." Kurt said confidently, but at the same time you could tell he was nervous. He was really good at remaining strong when he needed to be though.

"Oh. Kurt I have to tell you... I am too. I also wasn't going to say anything yet because I didn't want to mess things up and not interest you anymore. But I completely understand and agree. We should know each other's boundaries, this way it's never an issue." Blaine said.

"Oh thank god." Kurt breathed out causing them both to laugh.

"Wait so what exactly are your boundaries? Because I don't want there to be any questions or mistakes. I want you to always be comfortable, and if you're not please tell me." Blaine said.

"Honestly I'm always comfortable around you. I trust you and I feel confident enough to tell you if there was a problem. But basically what we've been doing is what I'm comfortable with. I'm fine with kissing and making out but honestly anything past that is not for me." Kurt said. Blaine continued: "Ok. That's pretty much how I feel too. And I swear I'm not just saying that to copy you. I'm fine with making out and I'm fine with my shirt coming off but that's it. And for the record, I'm also very comfortable around you and I trust you too."

They both smiled and shared a quick kiss before continuing the episode.

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