Chapter Eight

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Today's the day. Kurt and Blaine were leaving their small town of Lima Ohio, where the best things were Breadstix and The Lima Bean, and heading to Chicago Illinois, where there was so much more.

They already had their bed and all their furniture shipped ahead of time, and had movers hired to set it up for them. They had the rest of their stuff packed into both of their cars. They'd be taking Blaine's car out there together, and Burt and Carol were taking Kurt's car this way they could help them unpack and then they'd be flying back.

The boys were blasting music and signing at the top of their lungs for most of the drive. They took turns driving, starting with Blaine for the first three hours, and then Kurt for the last three. It was technically only a 5 hour drive, but with stops and traffic it took them 6.

Kurt was currently driving, and Blaine was asleep in the passenger seat. They had about an hour and a half left until they'd arrive. Kurt was just admiring how peaceful and beautiful his boyfriend looked. (Of course he still payed attention to the road, but he'd never waste an opportunity to stare at his boyfriend and let his heart explode with all his love for him.) He rested his hand on Blaine's thigh and thought about the beautiful boy for the rest of the drive with the radio playing quietly in the background.


They arrived at the apartment around 5:00 in the evening, with Burt and Carol arriving right after. Kurt gently shook Blaine's arm to wake him up. "Hey love. We're here." Blaine slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes, smiling wide when he was fully aware of where they were. "Wait really? We made it?" He asked almost like he couldn't believe it was real. "Yes Blaine. We made it." Kurt said kissing him quickly before jumping out of the car to start unloading their stuff.

It took 45 minutes to get everything in the apartment, and then about 4 hours to get everything unpacked and figure out where to put it.

It was really late now and Burt and Carol left to go check in to their hotel. They'd be coming back in the morning with breakfast to say bye before heading back home.

Kurt and Blaine took turns showering and getting ready for bed. They've fallen asleep together before while watching TV, but never overnight.

Once they were both in matching pajama sets, (They thought it'd be cute. So what?) they climbed on the bed and cuddled close together under the blanket.

"I can't believe this is actually happening. Like before I was so happy I'd be living with my best friend, but now I'm living with my best friend and the boy I love. It's just crazy to know that we did it and figured it out together." Blaine said. "I know. I'm so happy here with you. I hope you never doubt it. I know you're going to have rough days, and that's ok. I will always be here for you. I would never want to be doing this anywhere else with anyone else." Kurt said, smiling down at the boy in his arms.

Blaine fell asleep not long after, but Kurt stayed up a little longer thinking about everything. Blaine truly was his best friend and the love of his life. He tells Blaine all the time, but he will never actually understand how much Kurt loves him. Kurt came to a conclusion: He was going to marry this boy one day. Not yet, it's too soon and he knows that. But one day he will make it happen. Blaine is the only one. There's no one else.

Kurt fell asleep happier than ever with this thought on his mind, holding Blaine as close to him as he could.

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