Chapter Ten

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The next two months flew by. It was now the end of October, and the boys' classes were going great. They were doing great too. Things couldn't be better. Well actually, they could. But Kurt was working on that part. *wink wink*

It was a Wednesday, and Kurt was in his late afternoon class. Blaine was done for the day and he was all caught up on his homework, so he decided to go walk around the city. It was only 4:00, but it was already dark.

Blaine was walking down the busy street, thinking about Kurt. He always thought about Kurt. He loved that boy with his whole heart and soul and he wanted to have a forever kind of thing with him. He's been thinking about proposing, but he wanted to wait until December. Shoot him, but he was a sucker for sappy holiday proposals. He had time, but he was constantly thinking about it because he knew it's what he wanted to do. There was no doubt about it.

He was just minding his business and smiling while walking down the sidewalk, when all of a sudden he was shoved into an alley by two people.

He shouted "Hey what the hell man!" And turned around to see who the strangers were, but instead was met by a punch to the face. He suddenly got scared when he realized what was happening. Unfortunately, he wasn't just in for a beating.

One of the men held him in place from behind as he struggled to try and break free. It wasn't working. The man's grip only got tighter on him, and he could feel his shoulder popping slightly.

As the one man held him still, the other man began to step closer to him, closer than he would like. "Let me go." Blaine said, trying to sound threatening, but there was no doubt they could see he was crying. The man got in his face and said quietly "What's wrong buddy? Don't you want some action? Ohhh I bet you've never gotten some! Fucking sad." He spat in Blaine's face.

Before Blaine could even process what was happening, the man grabbed him and started touching him in ways Blaine never wanted.

The assault lasted about 10 minutes, but it felt like years. The two men finally let him go and he ran back to the apartment as fast as he could. When he got there he popped his shoulder back in place and wiped his face clean. He was crying hard and he felt like he was going to throw up.

He decided to take a shower, but almost had a panic attack from being alone in there. So he made it quick and got out, changing into baggy pajamas and heading straight to bed. It was only 6:00, but he didn't care. He wanted to just be nonexistent at this point.


When Kurt got home from his last class, it was almost 7:00. He noticed the apartment was extremely quiet, but Blaine's shoes and keys were there.

"Blaine?" Kurt called out. "I brought home food. Sorry it took me so long, my class ran late and there was a huge line in the restaurant. But I'm here now and ready to cuddle and watch Grey's." He said smiling. He didn't receive a response so he called out again: "Blaine? Are you ok love?" He asked right as he walked in their bedroom.

He saw Blaine curled in on himself under the blankets, breathing lightly. He looked upset though, even while sleeping, which set Kurt off a bit. He went over to the side Blaine was sleeping on and crouched down in front of his face. He immediately gasped when he saw the cuts and bruise on his cheek and part of his nose.

He wanted to know what happened, but didn't want to wake Blaine up. He decided he'd just ask him tomorrow morning. Instead, he put the food away for another time, and got into some comfortable clothes and crawled in bed next to Blaine. He wrapped his arms around him and pulled him closer so his head was laying on Kurt's chest.

He could feel Blaine tense up but immediately relax in his sleep. He thought that was strange, and made a mental note to find out what happened right away tomorrow.

He ran his fingers through Blaine's hair and continuously kissed him on the top of his head until he fell asleep himself.

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