Chapter Thirteen

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Over the next few weeks, the boys worked on gradually helping Blaine cope. He didn't want to go to a therapist, but he promised Kurt he would talk to him. And he did and it was helping. He still had a lot to go through, but he's gotten through so much already.

They spent Thanksgiving alone in the apartment because Blaine wasn't ready to go out yet and be in a huge family and friend setting. Kurt didn't mind though. It was peaceful and sweet getting to tell eachother what they were thankful for, and they cooked their own small dinner which came out amazing.


It was Christmas Day, which also meant it was one week from New Year's Day. The boys woke up around 10:00 and made breakfast together before sitting down on the couch to exchange presents. They decorated the apartment together the weekend after Thanksgiving, so all the lights and ornaments added to the magic.

"I'll go first." Kurt said holding a little black box. "This is for you. Blaine you inspire and amaze me everyday, and being with you is something right out of a dream or a movie." Blaine interrupted and said "If this is going where I think it's going then I'm going to join in your speech." He said holding a little blue box. "Kurt you have been so good to me, more than I could've ever asked for. You've helped me in ways that you'll never even begin to know, and you've helped me become a better version of me." Kurt continued: "You are so beautiful and breathtaking inside and out. Your looks are amazing, but even more importantly, your mind and your personality never cease to just completely and totally captivate me. "From the moment we met and became best friends, I knew I would never let you go. But I never could've imagined you being my boyfriend. It's all I could've wanted. You are everything to me and more. And I want this to be a forever kind of thing."

"So Blaine Anderson..."

"So Kurt Hummel..."

"Will you marry me?"

Both boys said yes and slid the rings onto each other's fingers, before coming together for a kiss. They were smiling like crazy and couldn't stop staring into each other's eyes. Kurt was the first one to break the trance.

"Now I did get you an actual present as well. Here you go." Kurt said, handing Blaine a bag. He took the paper out of it and revealed a signed poster and t-shirt from Katy Perry. "No way Kurt is this real? Are you serious?" Blaine asked getting all excited and his eyes lighting up. That's what Kurt missed the most this past month and a half since the incident, and he was so glad to see it again. "Yes it's real dork." Kurt said causing Blaine to roll his eyes playfully, but nonetheless still hug him. "I got you something else too." Blaine said. He came back with another wrapped package. Kurt ripped it open to find a signed Playbill from the original Broadway cast of Wicked, along with a new pair of boots he's been wanting inside. "Oh my god Blaine! You didn't have to." He said. "I wanted to. You're worth it all." Blaine replied, pulling Kurt in for a long and beautiful kiss, followed by a hug.

The future was looking bright for the soon-to-be Anderson-Hummel's. They both had come so far since high school, and especially in the last month. They knew as long as they had eachother in this thing called life, everything would be alright.


Author's Note: Thank you for reading my story if you've gotten all the way through. I hope you enjoyed it!!! <3

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