Chapter Twelve

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Over the next three weeks, nothing really changed. Kurt tried to get Blaine to talk to him, but nothing worked. Blaine got so depressed that he couldn't even function or make it to class, and he always had to be touching Kurt somehow, with the exception being going to the bathroom or taking a shower.

Kurt couldn't go to his classes either since Blaine needed him, so he had to get all the lessons recorded and sent to him by his professors, and he was helping Blaine with his schoolwork so he didn't fail.


It was two weeks before Thanksgiving. The holiday season was coming up, and Blaine was normally always such a little kid around this time of year because he loves it. But this year he hasn't even made any kind of indication about being excited.

The boys were sleeping, Blaine wrapped up tight in Kurt's arms with his head on his chest as usual.

It was about 7:30 in the morning when Blaine shot up screaming, along with crying, shaking, sweating, and hyperventilating too. Kurt immediately sat up with him and held him tight, whispering softly in his ear until he calmed down again. "Sorry" Blaine said quietly. Kurt sighed and decided now was the time he was going to ask again. He wanted to help and it was for the best.

"Blaine, you have to tell me what happened. Please love. I can't stand seeing you like this. I want to help you. These initial chains that we wear, they show that we will always be there for eachother. The "K" that you wear is me. That's me there for you. But you have to let me be there for you. I'm not going to abandon you. Please just tell me what happened that day." Kurt was practically begging. "I-I can't Kurt. I can't tell you." "Why not? What is keeping you from telling me?" Kurt was getting frustrated. Not at Blaine, but at the fact that his boyfriend wasn't ok and he couldn't do anything about it. "Because you're going to be mad and I'm afraid you're going to walk out on me." Blaine said, silently crying. "Did you cheat on me?" Kurt asked guarded. "No oh my god no Kurt. Never." Blaine said sincerely. "Then please love, I can't stand seeing you like this. You don't eat, you barely sleep, you haven't left the apartment since that day. You have to let me help you. Please please please just tell me why you're so scared and upset." Kurt now joined Blaine in crying. "I was assaulted. Physically obviously with the bruise and marks on my face, but also... Sexually." Blaine said so quiet Kurt almost didn't hear him. Almost. But he did hear him. And he felt like his whole heart just shattered on the floor and like all the air had been knocked out of him.

"W-What?" Kurt stuttered. Blaine just started sobbing on the bed and Kurt moved to hug him again, never wanting to let him go. Blaine calmed himself down before starting to explain: "It was when you were at your late afternoon psychology class. I decided to go take a walk downtown and see the city lights since it was getting dark so early. I was walking on that busy sidewalk right outside the mall, and these two older guys pushed me into an alley. I was confused at first because I thought they were just being stupid so I said 'What the hell' and when I turned around one of them punched me. Then the other one held me still and was holding my arms behind my back, slightly dislocating my shoulder. I tried to get out but his grip just tightened on me and I couldn't move. The other stepped closer to me and basically harassed me and said he bets I've never 'gotten any.' Then h-he... He um... Grabbed me and started touching me and feeling me up. I tried to fight them off but it did nothing. It lasted about ten minutes I think before they let me go and ran away. After that I just ran back here and relocated my shoulder, and took a shower and went to bed. But the reason I didn't tell you Kurt was because I feel like it was my fault. But you have to know I didn't want it. I didn't like it and I never wanted this. I only want to be with you and I just feel so powerless and small now. I was so excited to come here and have a future and then this happened and I don't know what to do." Blaine finished, a whole new round of sobbing coming out of him.

Kurt was crying very hard by this point. He didn't know what to do or say. He just stopped thinking and led with his heart then. He cupped Blaine's face in one hand, and wrapped his other around Blaine's torso. "Blaine listen to me." He started. "This was not your fault. I know that, and you know that. You didn't ask for this, and you most definitely didn't deserve it. I'm so so so sorry this happened to you love. But please know I'm not going anywhere. Ever. I want to help you. I will help you. I know you think everything is ruined, but it's not. We can get you caught up and going back to your classes, we can start eating together again, slowly of course, and when you're ready, we can go back out together. But only when you're ready. And we can get you a therapist or someone to talk to if you want. But I will always be here for you too. I'm not going anywhere. You have me forever Blaine Anderson. And just know, that even though it doesn't seem like it right now, you matter. This does not make you any less worthy of love or happiness. You mean something. You mean everything. Ok? You are so beautiful, so absolutely worth it and yes, so extraordinary. You have to know at least that much." he finished, holding Blaine tighter than he ever has before.

Kurt was stroking his cheek with his thumb, and smiling softly at him with tears still pouring out of both boys' eyes. "I'm so sorry Kurt. I'm so so so sorry. I love you so much." Blaine choked out. Kurt moved so their foreheads were touching, and they both closed their eyes. "I love you most. Always. It's all going to be ok. We'll figure it all out together." He whispered before leaning in and kissing Blaine passionately.

Both boys put all of their sadness, all of their pain, all of their anger, and most importantly all of their love for each other into that kiss. Neither of them ever wanted to have to wonder what it'd be like to not be able to taste the other's lips. Or not see the other's smile. Or not hear the other's voice. Or not feel the other's heartbeat through a hug.

If they didn't know it before, they most definitely knew after this moment, they belonged to each other forever.

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