Chapter 8

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Phil watched as the autumn leaves fell off the trees from the window of his bedroom on the second floor of the house. The morning was calm and quiet. The sun hasn't risen yet, and Techno and Wilbur were both still resting and regaining the energy that they had used the day before when they were helping with homework. Phil took a deep breath—although, no oxygen entered him, seeing as he is a ghost. In the corner of his eye, Phil caught a blur of a familiar shade of Green and Red. He hummed as he phased himself through the floorboards, ending up in the kitchen. 

The old wooden front door made a small creak as it opened and two teenagers entered. They were whispering among themselves—though it could hardly count as whispering, it sounded more like someone who's losing their voice because they screamed too much. Tommy closed the door in a way that someone who is sneaking around would never do. The door made a small slamming sound making Tubbo hit Tommy's arm as a silent scolding.

Phil could see that the two had gotten into a hushed bickering which made him sigh. He approached the two—still invisible. "It was the wind," he hears Tommy say.

"There wasn't a single breeze," Tubbo countered. 

"Oh who cares anyway?" Tommy asked. "I doubt they'd be woken up by that. Do ghosts even sleep?"

Phil smirked, "It depends really."

His sudden appearance triggered different reactions. One let out a gasp as he jumped away from where he stood. The other repressed a shout, resulting to him squeaking as an alternative, as he dropped to the floor. Phil will let you decide who's who, and instead he made himself visible. There he floated with his arms crossed and a questioning look plastered onto his face.

"Hey Phil," Tommy greeted, dragging out the first word.

"What are you two doing here this early?" Phil asked.

"What do you mean early?" Tubbo laughed nervously, stuttering a bit. "It's a completely normal time for us to visit." 

"It's literally five in the morning," Phil said. "Shouldn't you two be asleep or getting ready for school or some shit?"

"Oh Phil, my friend," Tommy said, attempting to wrap his arm around Phil's shoulders, but instead phased through it. "My really old friend—" this made Phil sigh— "did you know that in our generation, waking up this early is considered as productive?"

"And I am sure that you know that I did raise Techno and Wilbur long enough to know that children walking around alone when it's still dark is dangerous," Phil stated.

"We technically weren't alone," Tubbo muttered as he made his way to the couch, plopping down and placing his bag beside him. This earned him a stern look from the adult. 

"What I'm saying is whatever you two are planning on doing isn't worth endangering yourselves," Phil scolded. "Do your parents even know where you are?" 

A beat passed. "Well," Tommy dragged the word out, avoiding eye contact, following the other's lead and sitting down himself.

"They know that Tommy and I are with each other" Tubbo said. "Does that count?"

 "Elaborate," Phil said. 

"I asked my parents if I could sleep over at Tubbo's and they agreed."

"My sister is at a friend's house and my parents had to leave at like 1 am," Tubbo explained. "So we planned to wake up after they left and sneak over here."

"Oh god, you are going to give me a heart attack," Phil said. "So you just left without anyone knowing where you were?"

"Well if you put it that way, it does sound bad," Tommy muttered.

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